Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear "PUMA"

To the block of voters that associate themselves with the phrase “Party Unity My Ass”:

Do you really want to do this?

Are you really ready to stand in front of the Democratic convention and talk to any camera that is in your face and denounce Senator Obama as a terrible person unfit to lead this country just because your candidate (Hillary Clinton) did not get the nomination?

Are you really going to vote for John McCain and allow this country to enter a third Bush term?

Will you please think about how your actions will turn into, and already are turning into more campaign commercials for McCain and more fuel for the Republican attack machine.

There is a great new article in the latest edition of NEWSWEEK that talks about the country and what may happen to it if Obama loses. (

It mentions the fact that America has the perfect opportunity to turn the page on one of the most ineffective Presidents and make a statement to the rest of the world that we do in fact stand for change and want to live in a better world, not just for ourselves but for our children.

Hillary Clinton lost fair and square. It was over well before she conceded. So to the PUMA movement out there, please rethink what you are doing.

Your actions will have consequences.


The whole world is watching.