You probably know of the fabled Doron Braunshtein by now. He has been in the news in the recent past as a result of his edgy (see: ignorant) and overpriced (careful kiddies, spreading hate gets expensive) t-shirts equating Barack Obama with Hitler. Braunshtein, better known as Apollo Braun most recently received undeserved publicity for his “Obama is my Slave” shirt. I know I know…writing about this only creates more publicity for this walking contradiction, but the very fiber of my being would not allow me to say nothing (silence gives consent).
You see, one of his customers decided to wear this shirt in public, was confronted by four people who found said shirt inappropriate, and decided to sue the designer because it is apparently his fault that she decided to spread hate. Now I am not condoning violence or this designer (see: person who learned how to use iron on letters while simultaneously discovering plain cotton tees), but what happened to personal responsibility? Do we now live in an age when people do not have to accept responsibility for their actions? Their questionable choices? You say Freedom of Speech…Freedom of Opinion…Freedom of Expression…sure that is all well and fine and whatnot. You can have all your freedoms, but it sure as hell does not make them right. This customer decided to support a hate monger, and karma caught up (more on karma later). Besides…she was only shoved, cursed, spat at, and (heaven forbid!!) had her earphones pulled out of her ears. I am not certain, but I think things could have been a hell of a lot worse.
Personal. Responsibility. Please.
It is not Braunshtein’s fault that she wore this shirt.
It is, however, Braunshtein’s fault that he is a less than known designer looking to stir up attention by any means necessary. And I fully intend to speak on my disdain for this “designer” in my next post. Until then...
Questioning their choices,
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