Dear Senator McBush,
It is the 21st century, nations do not invade other nations…we occupy them…for 100 years if needed.
It is the 21st century; Iraq and Afghanistan share no borders…unless you consider the country of Iran one big border.
It is the 21st century; the average 72-year-old man knows how many houses he owns…because the answer is one, not seven.
It is the 21st century; the average American knows how many houses they own because the answer is one, not seven.
It is the 21st century; Presidential Candidates do not enter their 55-year-old wives in wet t-shirt contests…or joke about it.
It is the 21st century; Britney Spears and Paris Hilton have nothing to do with the presidential election.
It is the 21st century; Paris Hilton has a better energy policy than you.
It is the 21st century; Americans are better off than they were eight years ago…wait…no, no they are not…or are they? Wait what was the question? I’ll have my people get back to you on that one.
It is the 21st century; the president cannot serve more than two terms in office, so why are you trying to run again? Oh…wait…must have mistaken you for the other republican with no brain.
It is the 21st century; Al Qaeda, Iran, Iraq, Sunni, Shia, and extremists are not all the same thing.
It is the 21st century; we need a president who is already educated in economics and the state of our economy, not someone who needs to be educated.
It is the 21st century; you vowed to follow Bin-laden to the gates of hell…apparently those gates are in Iraq?
It is the 21st century; we need a president who realizes that offshore drilling is not an answer in the short term or long term.
My friends, it is the 21st century; we need a president that can keep up with the changes facing our nation and the world, not one steeped in the politics, policies, and ideas of the past. This is not about party lines. This is not about who is a better Christian. This is not about pro-choice and pro-life. This is not about who may or may not be a Muslim. This is not about who is a bigger celebrity. This is about who is ready to change our world for the better. This is about who is ready to admit that Washington is broken, and nothing will get better as long as “politics as usual” continue. This is about leading by example. This is about creating a better world for the generations to come.
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