Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Religion, Politics, and the Presidency

Can someone please explain to me why our Presidential candidates are participating in a forum held at Rick Warren’s Christian mega-church? Will they then attend similar forums at an Islamic mosque, Jewish synagogue, Buddhist temple, Hindu temple, and even a Scientologist church?

It would only be fair wouldn’t it?

Shouldn’t the candidates want to transcend above the “politics of religion” and speak to everyone not as a Christian, but as an American? Shouldn’t we want our leader to be able to reach out to all and not be shunned by one faith because he believes in another?

I am not here to argue that Christianity is right or wrong. I am here to point out that this is America, a country that supposedly was based on the freedom to choose your religion and to not be persecuted for it. We are supposed to be open minded, and accepting of all. So why is it that every four years the person we choose to lead this nation HAS to be a Christian?

What happened to separation of Church and State?

I do not understand why we as a nation demand that our leader conforms to certain biblical values. How about human values? If you took out the Christianity from Senator Obama (and McCain) would they stop believing in all things good? Would they immediately start spewing words of hate and “preaching” death and anarchy?

Of course not.

They would continue to believe that murder, lying, cheating, stealing, and other evils are wrong because they are wrong. These beliefs are not only Christian beliefs, but they are also Hindu beliefs, and Islamic beliefs, and Jewish beliefs, and Buddhist beliefs, which make them Human beliefs.

Heaven forbid that we have a leader who believes that all humans are equal no matter what faith they practice. A leader who strives to unite not just Americans but humans in order to create what all religions truly believe in: Peace and Love.

But who am I kidding. This is America, and all those other religions are not just weird, they are wrong. As the song goes it’s, “God Bless America” it isn’t “Allah Bless America,” or “Vishnu Bless America.” So our candidates must cater to the one true religion in America: Christianity.