Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's Official...

It’s official. We have finally become Occupiers in Iraq.

The country has recently demanded a “very clear timeline” for us to get out of their country and turn over total control to their security forces, and we have responded with silence.

I believe the definition of victory we have been touting at the moment is that when “Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.” That time has arrived. Iraq wants us out and our President still only speaks of “general time horizons,” (as Jon Stewart point out, a horizon is something that “no matter how long you head towards it, you never quite reach it.”) not specific dates, nothing that gives the government of Iraq hope that one day they will be able to take the reigns of a country they have longed to lead.

This is a great time for Iraq, violence is down (however, not down enough to stop Americans from dying), they were allowed to compete in the Olympics (something that will unite them as a people more than ever), and most importantly their government (and people) appears to want to take control.

This is the turning point we have been waiting (too long) for.

However, it is my belief that somehow our administration will find a way to redefine (again) the term “Victory in Iraq” to fit their occupier instinct, their need to stay forever, in order to prove that democracy will work in the Middle East.

Democracy is working Mr. President. The Iraqis are standing up and demanding action. They are demanding that we no longer occupy their country. They are demanding us to leave.

The ball is now in your court. They are screaming for your attention. Will you ever listen?

Waiting to stand down,


Anonymous said...

Bush has said all along that we would be in Iraq until the Government of Iraq is capable of governing itself and safeguarding its people. It would be a mistake to leave before Al Qaeda in Iraq is defeated and before a competent, trained, and capable Iraqi security force is in place and operating effectively.

When Iraqi forces can safeguard their own country, American troops can return home. Iraq is beginning to feel stable and the Iraqi government and the U.S. government are working at fully handing over conrol of all military facets of the operation.

That has been the plan all along and that is what is happening.