Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An International Call to Action

After receiving several e-mails asking, “Who is the Last of Our Kind?” I believe now is a good time to speak a little bit about the philosophy behind the words.

The Last of Our Kind is a group of intelligent people who believe that Darwin’s theory that the strongest will survive is no longer correct. We look around our world today and see a lack of smart, determined people. We believe whole heartedly that we are not alone in this world, but that we are in fact a dying breed.

These words are simply what we hope can be left behind to a world confused and searching for answers. We do not believe we are “more right” than others, or “Elitist.” We are simply educated enough to notice the problems in the world around us. We are determined to try to take these understandings and create change.

If we cannot see the problems around us and strive for success we are destined to fail.

We cannot do this alone. Do you want to join the Last of Our Kind? Do you have a voice inside you that aches for something better than what our country (and the world) is offering us? If you want to be heard (and feel you cannot sustain a site of your own) feel free to e-mail us a posting at where we openly take all posts from those who feel they can no longer remain silent. Do you have a site that feels the same as we do? Are you one of Us and did not realize it? E-mail us so we can link and share.

We will grow stronger with numbers.

We are the Last of Our Kind looking for the Rest of Our Kind. We know you are out there. We are here...

Searching, writing, waiting,