Question of the Week:
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain picks Governor Sarah Palin for VP. Okay...?
0 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 2:34 PMRepublicans, you put a woman on the ticket, but don’t get too excited. This race isn’t over yet.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was surprisingly added to the Republican ticket today in a Hail Mary attempt by John McCain to get as many disaffected Hilary Clinton voters he can. The problem with that logic is that after the Democratic convention I’m not sure how many angry Hillaryites are left.
Governor Palin mentioned Hillary and her 18 million cracks in her speech this morning. It was a nice attempt at trying to say “Don’t worry that all my policy stances and beliefs are totally opposite from Hillary. Ladies, I’M YOUR GIRL NOW!”
You see Palin is Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Drilling, Pro-McCain, Pro-Bush. Does this sound like what Hillary had in mind when she wanted the glass ceiling cracked and shattered? I don’t think so.
John McCain’s main argument against Obama is his youth and his lack of experience. Well congratulations Senator McCain you managed to find someone not only younger (44 yrs old, Obama is 47), but with less national experience than Obama (Obama has been a Senator since 2005, Palin a Governor since 2006).
To be fair she has been a governor and people will say that counts as executive experience. But what did she do before she was governor? She was on a city council and then mayor of a city with a population (in 2000) of 5,469.
I know John McCain will say that he is the one with the experience to lead this country, and that Palin can learn by watching and serving with him. However, should McCain win Palin would be one heartbeat away from the presidency. If something should happen to McCain, let’s hope she’s a fast learner.
I can’t wait to see her debate with Joe Biden. It should be a wake up call to the country that John McCain’s surprise pick won’t help him win this election at all.
67 days to the election.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
For anyone out there who still doubts, questions or criticizes Senator Barack Obama, I ask you one simple question:Why?
After his speech tonight why would anyone want to vote for John McCain.
Tonight, Senator Barack Obama gave an acceptance speech for the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. This speech not only brought people to their feet, and brought people to tears, but it inspired, it left people speechless and took their breath away. He shot back at McCain and spoke in a manner that elevates not only this election, but the direction he wants to take this country in a way that no one has seen in generations.
To his critics who have said he is vague and generic, tonight he was specific (some have reported as many as 29 specific policy points). He was sharp. He was piecing together his plan for the future of this country.
To anyone left who doubts Obama’s love for country, if you continue to believe this, you never had any intention for voting for this patriotic and intelligent man in the first place. I wish you luck in life voting for someone whose plan for the future is a retelling of the past.
Before the convention started I was skeptical. I was afraid that this man would be stripped of his opportunity to lead because this party could not be united. I was afraid the PUMAs would be strong, when in fact they were only kittens. I was afraid that Hillary would be bitter, when in fact she was gracious. I was afraid Bill would leave doubts, there are none to be seen.
Tonight I am proud to be an American. I am proud because the whole world was watching and we didn’t disappoint. We offered hope not just to the disenchanted and jaded people living in this country, but the millions of lookers worldwide from Iraq to Georgia, from Kenya, to Canada. Tonight we have said in this country we will no longer accept the status quo. Tonight we have said that our system is flawed. It is no longer working. Tonight we offered up a way to change. Tonight we saw hope, and a chance for a better tomorrow.
I know that many tomorrow will say that today was just a speech full of rhetoric and empty promises. I know that when Obama gets elected in November that the skies will not open up and things will not instantly become perfect. However, I also know that when Obama is elected in November it will be a start. It will be the start to a new era. A new era not just for America, but for the world. A time where the world can again look towards America for leadership and not look away from fear.
Senator Obama was right. This election is not about him. It is about you, me, we, us. It is about us having “enough.” It is about us not just choosing a new leader, but choosing a new direction, a new way of life and most importantly a new tomorrow for all.
Labels: Clinton, Democratic Convention, McCain, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Presidential Election
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dear Senator Hillary Clinton,
You speech was gracious, selfless, and inspiring.
You have taken the lead in unifying the party. You have taken away the doubts of many Democrats who thought you to be bitter and therefore dividing this party in two. You have raised the spirits of many who were losing hope, the people who felt this election slipping in the wrong direction.
With the speech you gave you elevated the stakes to a new level. This is not about you. This is not about Senator Obama. This is about the future of this country, a future that cannot endure more of the same. This speech spoke to your PUMA supporters and challenged them. You have said if you vote for John McCain you do not speak for me, you do not know me, and you will offend me… you will let me down.
Senator Clinton I thank you for raising the bar for the rest of us. You have silenced the media and the story they love to tell about you and Obama having a grudge. You have changed the dialogue. You have turned the page. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
Let’s hope your husband, President Clinton continues the progression of change. As I said before, you have raised the bar and will be a very tough act to follow.
Labels: Clinton, Democratic Convention, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Presidential Election
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So here we are, the Democratic National Convention. We are in the second day of this post-rational (thanks Rachel Maddow) gathering of political nonsense. And all I can possibly think of is:
What did you honestly think was going to happen Clintons?
Now I know the last thing we need is more divisive talk about the Democratic Party, but seriously? Every single pundit, news anchor, elected official, and so called expert that receives airtime, is working as hard as possible to cover up the huge rift Clinton’s protracted campaign has caused.
And I see right through it. They all seem like that one socially awkward individual that tries just a little too hard to fit in. They are trying their absolute damndest to convince you and I, and the rest of the nation, that the primary has not left the party divided. There is a complete façade of everything being just peachy, and it is so completely faked. The Democratic Party is as nervous as all get out right now because of the situation the Clintons have created. Is this façade of unity really supposed to fool everyone?
Clinton’s refusal to cede the democratic nomination to Obama when it was clear that she would not gain enough delegates was detrimental. That choice has created this dismal situation. That choice has created the PUMA’s (one of the most ridiculously rabid and irrational groups since PETA). That choice has created attack ads that use Hillary’s words against her. That choice has created a situation that could conceivably break Obama’s presidency and place a permanent asterisk next to the Clinton legacy. Think about it, if Obama loses:
-We get another Bush term
-Gas prices continue to soar (off-shore drilling is not going to bring relief for at least 10 years)
-Our soldiers stay in Iraq
-We will continue to be less than respected abroad
-At least some of the blame will be placed on the failure of the Democratic Party to unify
-The Clintons’ will be seen as political leaders that refused to serve a cause greater than their own
-And I could go on for days and days and days…and well you get the idea
So what did you expect to happen Clintons? Did you honestly think that, had you wrested the nomination from Obama, things would be any different right now? Did you honestly think that the millions of people that voted for Obama would happily vote for the candidate that forced her will upon an entire nation?
I hope, for your sake, that your speeches at the DNC make reparations for the wrongs you have done. I hope your speeches prove that you are more interested in the advancement of our nation rather than the advancement of your own political careers. I hope you can set aside your egos, and fully embrace and endorse a candidate that won the primary race fair and square. I hope that you can do something to get your rabid and irrational supporters to start listening to you again. I hope you realize that you have created a monster that is so blinded; it would rather elect an out of touch republican who shares none of your beliefs or policies. I hope you realize that all of this is your doing, and if you cannot repair it…you will forever be known as the political leaders who felt so entitled to the presidency, they could not see the forest for the trees. The political leaders who could not set aside their personal egos for the greater good. The political leaders who would not serve a cause greater than their own.
For your sake, and ours…I hope that does not happen.
Don't chop down the forest,
Labels: Clinton, Democratic Convention, Disgust, Ignorance, McCain, News Media, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election
Monday, August 25, 2008
To the block of voters that associate themselves with the phrase “Party Unity My Ass”:
Do you really want to do this?
Are you really ready to stand in front of the Democratic convention and talk to any camera that is in your face and denounce Senator Obama as a terrible person unfit to lead this country just because your candidate (Hillary Clinton) did not get the nomination?
Are you really going to vote for John McCain and allow this country to enter a third Bush term?
Will you please think about how your actions will turn into, and already are turning into more campaign commercials for McCain and more fuel for the Republican attack machine.
There is a great new article in the latest edition of NEWSWEEK that talks about the country and what may happen to it if Obama loses. (
It mentions the fact that America has the perfect opportunity to turn the page on one of the most ineffective Presidents and make a statement to the rest of the world that we do in fact stand for change and want to live in a better world, not just for ourselves but for our children.
Hillary Clinton lost fair and square. It was over well before she conceded. So to the PUMA movement out there, please rethink what you are doing.
Your actions will have consequences.
The whole world is watching.
Labels: Clinton, Democratic Convention, Disgust, Ignorance, Obama, Presidential Election, Sadness
The definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over again, and expecting different results.
John McCain released two attack ads against Barack Obama this weekend. One of those ads criticized him for choosing Joe Biden as his vice presidential candidate. The other ad criticized Obama for not picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Now, on the surface these ads seem completely different, but
The Biden ad attacks Obama for choosing a running mate that was a very harsh critic. The Clinton ad attacks Obama for not choosing Hillary because she was a very harsh critic.
Congratulations Senator McBush and campaign…you have officially made me stupider again. At this rate I will have no brain cells left come November. WAIT A MINUTE…that must be your plan…kill all of intelligent America’s brain cells by election time so that we will forget why we were going to vote for a candidate courageous and intelligent enough to choose a non-lapdog as his running mate, and vote for a joker like you. Dumb down America. Ingenious, I must say.
I hope for your sake, your vice presidential nominee is not Mitt Romney. I hope for my sake, it is. The irony and sheer and utter stupidity of that choice, in light of these ads, will be so sweet, that when I taste it, I will spit it out because it will be too rich. It will be as if someone pre-packaged hypocrisy and delivered it to my doorstep with instructions that read, “Just add McCain…uh…I mean water.”
So let us recap…Obama is unfit for the presidency because he picked a running mate that will make his opinions known and not simply act as a yes man. He is unfit because his running mate criticized him as being unprepared for the job. Obama is also unfit for the presidency because he did not pick someone who leveled the exact same criticisms against him. Drink it up folks; it doesn’t get any more real than this.
I will take these McCain attack ads as a direct assault on my intellect, and you should too. Otherwise we will elect a president that will bring a third Bush term, and we aren’t insane…
Are we?
Refusing to repeat the same behavior,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Barack Obama picks Senator Joe Biden as Vice President
1 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 12:44 AMSenator Barack Obama picked Joe Biden (Sorry Clinton fans, but more on you later) as his Vice Presidential running mate this morning (it was leaked this morning anyways). And as I have said in previous posts, thank you Senator Obama for picking a candidate that will bring a great balance to your platform and campaign.
Obama’s youthful energy, what some dub his “inexperience” can be countered by the foreign policy and foreign relations qualifications of the 65 year old Senator Biden.
Some may say that Joe Biden goes against everything that Obama stands for. “Biden doesn’t represent change,” they’ll say, “He has been serving in Washington for twenty years!” Biden’s years in Washington will allow him to easily support Obama whenever asked.
John McCain has already said “Biden is Obama’s harshest critic.” Should that really be the line of attack McCain uses? Senator Obama has said that he picked his running mate as someone who is willing to challenge him, and help make decisions for the country and not simply be a “yes man.” It is because of his criticism that Biden is such a great choice. He will not be the “yes man” that so many Vice Presidents can be. He will challenge Obama and together they will lead this country in a new direction that all Americans have been waiting for.
Critics will also say that Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War. It’s true he did. However, he has since gone on the record saying it was a mistake and that the war must come to an end. He has given a full plan on how he would bring the war to an end (which is different than Obama’s, but again it is these differences that will lead to compromises and even better plans for America). It is his deep passion for bringing the Iraq War to an end (as well as his passion for bringing peace in Darfur) that, had Biden not been picked as a VP I would have loved to see him as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State. However, since Joe Biden’s own son is about to be deployed to Iraq perhaps secretary of defense would have been a bit of a conflict of interest (although I don’t believe that would have affected his judgment and I am sure he would have done a great job).
Now, the question that everyone wants answered: Where does Hillary Clinton fit into all this? Well Joe Biden is 65 and if all goes according to plan after a reelection in 2012 after eight years as VP he would be 73. I believe it would be safe to say Biden would not be interested in running for President of the United States. Hillary is 61, and in eight years would be 69, three years younger than McCain is now. Would that be too old for her to run? It isn’t impossible for her to take another shot at it. So perhaps Hillary Clinton supporters can take solace in that fact (had she been the VP she wouldn’t get to run for President until 2012 anyways) and finally, yes finally embrace Obama as the democratic nominee.
It should be an interesting day tomorrow when the sun rises and the republican attack machine kicks into full swing, only to be fired back against Obama and Biden themselves in Illinois when they campaign together later in the day.
It should also be an exciting week in Denver with the convention hitting full swing.
Friday, August 22, 2008
It is the 21st century, nations do not invade other nations…we occupy them…for 100 years if needed.
It is the 21st century; Iraq and Afghanistan share no borders…unless you consider the country of Iran one big border.
It is the 21st century; the average 72-year-old man knows how many houses he owns…because the answer is one, not seven.
It is the 21st century; the average American knows how many houses they own because the answer is one, not seven.
It is the 21st century; Presidential Candidates do not enter their 55-year-old wives in wet t-shirt contests…or joke about it.
It is the 21st century; Britney Spears and Paris Hilton have nothing to do with the presidential election.
It is the 21st century; Paris Hilton has a better energy policy than you.
It is the 21st century; Americans are better off than they were eight years ago…wait…no, no they are not…or are they? Wait what was the question? I’ll have my people get back to you on that one.
It is the 21st century; the president cannot serve more than two terms in office, so why are you trying to run again? Oh…wait…must have mistaken you for the other republican with no brain.
It is the 21st century; Al Qaeda, Iran, Iraq, Sunni, Shia, and extremists are not all the same thing.
It is the 21st century; we need a president who is already educated in economics and the state of our economy, not someone who needs to be educated.
It is the 21st century; you vowed to follow Bin-laden to the gates of hell…apparently those gates are in Iraq?
It is the 21st century; we need a president who realizes that offshore drilling is not an answer in the short term or long term.
Labels: Disgust, International Issues, McCain, Politics, Presidential Election, Religion
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Apparently so.
In case anyone missed it Obama had to give another speech at another rally saying “I love America.” This is becoming ridiculous. Obama is not a secret Muslim sent here from the Middle East waiting to enslave all white people, and let’s be honest here, it is white people that he is speaking to every time he has to stand up and explain his love of this country.
This man is running for the Presidency of the United States of America. The unpatriotic need not apply. He has spent 20 years serving this county, no it was not all spent in the senate (let him pick a VP that has that credential, paging Mr. Biden). He has not spent 20 years fighting wars overseas or serving time in the military (some may remember another young president who dodged the draft and went on to be one of the Democrats favorite presidents of all time).
He has spent the last 47 years being an American. He has spent the last 20 years learning about this country by living in this county, teaching in this country, and yes, loving this country.
It is frustrating and sad that people can’t understand that this man loves this country. It is depressing that this is even a question and that poll after poll show that he isn’t gaining ground on this topic. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
But can we really allow that to be Obama’s downfall? Can we as Americans (both republican and democrat) allow ignorance to play such an important role in this campaign? There is ignorance about Obama being a Muslim (more on that in a future post). There is ignorance about his patriotism and the back and forth over flag pins. There is ignorance over his wife, and that crazy “satire” on the New Yorker cover (which didn’t help) a while ago. In fact, there is so much ignorance that Obama had to create an entire website to debunking these ignorant myths.
To be fair there is plenty of ignorance on the other side. John McCain is not a war monger, but I have seen plenty of propaganda claiming so. The difference between the two campaigns is that McCain doesn’t have to create websites denying it. The democrats base their dislike for John McCain based on his actual policies, where as republicans are so afraid that when Obama speaks he will try to convert them to Islam that they won’t even bother listening.
Ignorance really is bliss. Let’s hope bliss doesn’t cost this nation a leader who loves it more than most.
Labels: Disgust, Ignorance, McCain, Obama, Patriotism, Presidential Election, Sadness
Monday, August 18, 2008
Perhaps she and her supporters are bitter. Maybe they are staying up at night waiting for a phone call that says something “unexpected” has happened to Senator Obama and therefore she would get the nomination.
Perhaps her supporters have good intentions and really do believe that by placing Hillary Clinton’s name into the roll call vote will unite the party. Maybe they believe that letting their “voices be heard” will some how be the catharsis they want. A big exhale they have all been waiting for. Perhaps.
To think that this would unite a party whose own members are still talking about Hillary winning the nomination is ludicrous. There are petitions floating around delegate circles to place her name on the ballot at the convention.
Sounds real unifying to me.
My bet would have to go against this being a unifying action. If Hillary gets a roll call vote it would not be the respectful lovefest she and her supporters think it would be. It will turn into her supporters yelling, screaming, chanting and raising hell AGAINST Obama. It would be broadcast on every network across the country, and my guess is by the end of the hour, featured in a new John McCain commercial.
So let’s please rethink giving Hillary Clinton and her supporters anymore time in the sun… I don’t think we want them to be burned again.
Labels: Clinton, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Can someone please explain to me why our Presidential candidates are participating in a forum held at Rick Warren’s Christian mega-church? Will they then attend similar forums at an Islamic mosque, Jewish synagogue, Buddhist temple, Hindu temple, and even a Scientologist church?
It would only be fair wouldn’t it?
Shouldn’t the candidates want to transcend above the “politics of religion” and speak to everyone not as a Christian, but as an American? Shouldn’t we want our leader to be able to reach out to all and not be shunned by one faith because he believes in another?
I am not here to argue that Christianity is right or wrong. I am here to point out that this is America, a country that supposedly was based on the freedom to choose your religion and to not be persecuted for it. We are supposed to be open minded, and accepting of all. So why is it that every four years the person we choose to lead this nation HAS to be a Christian?
What happened to separation of Church and State?
I do not understand why we as a nation demand that our leader conforms to certain biblical values. How about human values? If you took out the Christianity from Senator Obama (and McCain) would they stop believing in all things good? Would they immediately start spewing words of hate and “preaching” death and anarchy?
Of course not.
They would continue to believe that murder, lying, cheating, stealing, and other evils are wrong because they are wrong. These beliefs are not only Christian beliefs, but they are also Hindu beliefs, and Islamic beliefs, and Jewish beliefs, and Buddhist beliefs, which make them Human beliefs.
Heaven forbid that we have a leader who believes that all humans are equal no matter what faith they practice. A leader who strives to unite not just Americans but humans in order to create what all religions truly believe in: Peace and Love.
But who am I kidding. This is America, and all those other religions are not just weird, they are wrong. As the song goes it’s, “God Bless America” it isn’t “Allah Bless America,” or “Vishnu Bless America.” So our candidates must cater to the one true religion in America: Christianity.
Labels: Conflict of Interest, McCain, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election, Religion
Friday, August 15, 2008
Stupid is as stupid does. Or is it stupid does what stupid is? Or is it just plain stupid? Now I'm confused...
0 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 1:18 AMIt just happened. Our presidential candidates have officially destroyed some of our brain cells without our permission. Apparently we have been deemed too unintelligent to hear what they have to say about real issues. Apparently the only thing we can relate to is who is the bigger celebrity. McCain lowered himself so far that even Paris Hilton was able to relate, understand, and respond. Then the Obama campaign decided to jump right on that wagon for a happy little joyride. (Granted, Obama did manage to get in a dig about McCain being nothing more than a 3rd Bush term, and kudos to him for that.)
Now, is the celebrity status of our candidates really the most important issue facing the US this election year? Why should we care? Why does it matter? In all seriousness…Paris Hilton got involved!! And managed to read a teleprompter long enough to spew out an actual energy policy that made more sense than either of the celebrity ads approved by our illustrious candidates.
I really feel there is nothing more to say about this issue. The fact that Paris Hilton took the time to respond to the first celebrity ad says all that needs to be said.
Thank you presidential candidates…I am officially stupider.
Here’s to hoping we still have brain cells left after this election is over…
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thank you Keith Olbermann. On Countdown this evening, Olbermann did a segment on exactly what I was speaking to in my last post. He pointed out McCain's numerous conflicts of interest with regards to the Russian/Georgian conflict. And most importantly...we have ONE president at a time.
The segment also points out the hypocrisy inherent in the statement: It is the 21st Century and nations do not invade other nations. Ahem...can you say Iraq? The nation we invaded under false pretenses and still occupy? Hmm...interesting.
If you get the chance, watch the first segment of Countdown later this evening when it replays.
Labels: Bush, Conflict of Interest, Disgust, International Issues, McCain, Politics
Lame ducks, Sleeping dogs, and lots of lies...
0 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 4:20 PMI want to know why the major news media organizations are suggesting that Russia’s invasion of Georgia is a “major concern” for the next US President? Try a major concern for our current administration! What about our current president? Or is he just so incredibly obsolete that the remainder of his presidency means absolutely nothing? It seems we forget that the Russian invasion of Georgia is happening RIGHT NOW. This is not taking place in January of 2009. I understand that this issue is not going to magically disappear in the next few months, but can we please realize that the current president has a responsibility to our nation and the world despite his approaching exit from office? I understand the need for the news media to question which candidate will handle this matter of international politics and diplomacy better; it is a crucial question for our next president. In any case, I believe the news media should be focusing on the current administrations’ delayed response, and what steps they will be taking to resolve (or at least move towards resolution) this international crisis, both in the long and short term.
We are spending way too much time on what Barack Obama and John McCain have to say about this conflict. This crisis is happening now, and President Bush is the only one that can execute policy, NOT the candidates. He is not a lame duck until the next president is elected, or maybe in his mind, his job is done (thank you Mr. President…what a long, strange, disastrous trip it has been). I have heard more from McCain and Obama in the last few days than anything from the Bush administration (they were all on vacation apparently). And apparently, the news media is happy to see this vacation extend all the way until January 2009, judging by their coverage. Today is the first day I have heard anyone questioning how the candidates are overshadowing the actual president on this issue. Took you long enough.
And our illustrious candidates seem to be more concerned with painting the other as a bigger celebrity…GIVE ME A F****** BREAK. I do NOT care, and neither should you. And is it just me, or does it seem like McCain is overstepping his bounds by holding “presidential” phone calls with Georgia’s President? You are not my president yet Mr. McCain, and this being the case, maybe you should focus on the issues and stop worrying about Obama’s celebrity status?
Ok…I’m angry, and this being the case, I’m starting to rant and probably not making much sense (that happens when emotion takes over). But if you aren’t pissed off, you aren’t paying attention.
Refusing to let sleeping dogs lie,
Labels: Bush, Disgust, International Issues, McCain, News Media, Obama, Politics
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I don’t know when it happened exactly, but America has forgotten the importance of talk.
One would believe the explosion of the internet in the 90’s that in fact led to the flattening of the world and by cause and effect brought us closer together to exchange thoughts and ideas would have led to more and more conversation worldwide. One would hope that the rise of cell phones would make it easier to connect to everyone and anyone in an all digital age.
We can call, text, blog, vlog, e-mail, youtube, IM, skype, MySpace, and Google from the highest mountain tops to the lowest valleys and everywhere in between (including rocket ships in space and submarines underwater).
But somewhere in this world of constant information we forgot what it meant to simply talk to one another. We have gotten so used to short one word answers that conversation has become a thing of the past.
I recently read an article about the decline of talk therapy during visits between doctors and patients in psychiatry ( This article goes on to speak about the rise of pills causing the decline, which is true without a doubt. However, it misses the big issue that people nowadays believe they simply do not have the time to sit down and discuss their problems anymore. In a time where we have more than enough gadgets to save time, we waste time. We waste time trying to be know-it- alls. In this world of instant information a patient can Google his symptoms and get instant gratification by telling his doctor what pill he needs to continue his day without missing a beat.
The big picture here I feel is dire. We as human beings have problems. We get stressed out. We get upset at little things e.g. Starbucks was out of whip cream today. We get upset about big things e.g. Oil is $120 a barrel (or for some the big problem may be Starbucks running out of whip cream). The point is talking to people is a way to help rid ourselves of these worries. Perhaps the person we share our feelings with has the same worries, and perhaps the two of you find a third, and a fourth, and heavens forbid you actually start a movement to get more whip cream at Starbucks—Err to lower the price of oil.
As I said before the world is flatter now than ever before, let’s take this opportunity to look out across the horizon and talk to each other. It’s more powerful than you think.
Got something on your chest? Feel free to comment…
Labels: Personal Responsibility, Sadness, Technology
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bill Clinton is of the Boomer Generation, Barack Obama is not.
Now what do we know about the boomer generation that we can place into the context of this discussion?
We know they are stubborn, they fought (justly I may say) against a government and its policies to bring the Vietnam War to an end, and for that I thank you.
We know they are intelligent. They led our nation to some of its greatest inventions technologically, scientifically, and medically in its history.
We know that while growing up they swore "Never to trust anyone over thirty"
Well guess what, they grew up, made a lot of money, got greedy, and realized that they must now "never trust anyone under thirty!"
Excuse me while I take a moment to enjoy the irony...
... ... ... ...
Now, Why do they not trust the young children of this generation?
Is it because we are dumb? Of course not, grandparents love their stupid grandchildren.
Is it because we are lazy? How could we be lazier than the boomer generation who was the first generation to go to university on a grand scale (Why because they didn’t have to work, they in fact could be lazy and get educated)
Perhaps, they no longer trust us because they see in us what they once were, and are afraid of being replaced.
Hey I can't blame you guys. When I see a good looking baby that I know will one day take my place in society I just want to kick him in his face (let's take a moment to imagine me kicking that spoiled baby in the face)...
... ... ... ...
Now that the baby is gone let's talk about why it is a just cause to feel threatened by the younger generation. It is because WE are replacing you. WE are your legacy. WE are the next chapter, and as Whitney said WE are the future.
No one wants to be replaced, no one wants to feel outdated or less important, but that's life, the ever great, ever long circle of life.
No hard feelings Bill, just remember we are you 40 years ago. Perhaps you have grown jaded with time (believe me if three of my leaders were assassinated I'd be one jaded too. In fact, I'd never believe in anything political again), but for the moment we have hope, and hope is a beautiful thing.
President Clinton will speak at the convention. Let’s hope it will be the rightful passing of the torch it should be.
Labels: Clinton, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election
Sunday, August 10, 2008
It’s official. We have finally become Occupiers in Iraq.
The country has recently demanded a “very clear timeline” for us to get out of their country and turn over total control to their security forces, and we have responded with silence.
I believe the definition of victory we have been touting at the moment is that when “Iraqis stand up, we will stand down.” That time has arrived. Iraq wants us out and our President still only speaks of “general time horizons,” (as Jon Stewart point out, a horizon is something that “no matter how long you head towards it, you never quite reach it.”) not specific dates, nothing that gives the government of Iraq hope that one day they will be able to take the reigns of a country they have longed to lead.
This is a great time for Iraq, violence is down (however, not down enough to stop Americans from dying), they were allowed to compete in the Olympics (something that will unite them as a people more than ever), and most importantly their government (and people) appears to want to take control.
This is the turning point we have been waiting (too long) for.
However, it is my belief that somehow our administration will find a way to redefine (again) the term “Victory in Iraq” to fit their occupier instinct, their need to stay forever, in order to prove that democracy will work in the Middle East.
Democracy is working Mr. President. The Iraqis are standing up and demanding action. They are demanding that we no longer occupy their country. They are demanding us to leave.
The ball is now in your court. They are screaming for your attention. Will you ever listen?
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The 2008 (Bittersweet) Beijing Olympic Games
3 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 3:23 PMThe early symbolism of Buddhism instantly reminded me of China’s recent (and longtime) crackdown on Tibet. This was just one of the many reminders that China is not a country experiencing as much “harmony” as they would want the rest of the world to believe.
Another moment I found extremely telling was the little children carrying the flag and then handing it off to soldiers of the Chinese Army. NBC said something about how this represented the State protecting the children. To me, it represented not a protection of the people but an overbearing reach by a State with its massive army. I couldn’t help but think of the Army invading Tiananmen Square to stop people’s freedom of expression and I had to wonder if these children will actually learn in depth about it, or if China will simply continue to ban information on Tiananmen in the media and on search sites such as Google, etc.
Regarding the spreading of information in China during the games I was also reminded of Joey Cheek. He is the 2006 Olympic gold medalist speed skater who was actually banned from China because he supports taking action in Darfur (China’s official reason for revoking his Visa: they said they were “not required to give a reason.”). The lack of freedom of expression and human rights in this country is shameful, and the beauty of the ceremony and the meanings of the Olympic Games mean less because of it.
Seeing the Beijing skyline filled with Fireworks I was reminded that Beijing is actually one of the most polluted cities in the world. The city is so polluted in fact that some athletes will wear masks when outdoors, and the world record holder in the marathon is actually refusing to compete for fear of long term damage due to breathing in too much pollution. However, if you listen to the Chinese they claim to have controlled the weather, causing rain and a clearing of pollution for the games.
At the end, when the torch was being run through the stunning Bird’s Nest stadium I couldn’t help but remember the worldwide protests that China wants nothing to do with.
China hopes that this will be a turning point in their history. Their optimism is noble, but the Olympics only last 17 days, and then the world will look to China to see if any real change has happened. Will their motto of “One world, one dream” become a reality, or will it simply remain a dream?
Labels: Beijing, China, Human Rights, Olympics, Sadness
Friday, August 8, 2008
In my continuing investigation, I decided to visit and much to my dismay discovered that actress Natalie Portman and singer Bjork have purchased and worn his clothing. I am now no longer in love with Natalie Portman (why have you forsaken me!?), but I find myself in a major dilemma regarding Bjork and my collection of nearly all of her albums (she gets one get out of jail free card for her musical brilliance I suppose). My Bjork crisis notwithstanding…I found this interesting little quote: “Life is all about Karma. When you do something good, the good will come back to you.” Judging by the slogans adorning his clothing…this genius has no grasp whatsoever of the concept of Karma. Spreading hate and perpetuating myths to further elevate said hate sounds like the best recipe for karma I can possibly imagine. He claims his slogans are not his beliefs, but the beliefs of “ordinary WASP’s.” He later goes on to say that he dislikes Obama because he is a Muslim (Obama is a Christian for the record, try visiting his website before you make yourself sound like a fool by uttering falsehoods). Which is essentially consistent with the backwoods American fear that Obama is a Muslim. There were some brilliant interviews in the major news media during the West Virginia primary of people that refused to vote for Obama because of his apparent Muslim religious beliefs. Since we are stereotyping here, I would say these people were a fair representation of Braunshtein’s WASP characterization. It seems I have found some slight contradictions in your logic Mr. High Fashion (again, when I think of high fashion, clearly the first thing that comes to mind is plain cotton tees and iron on lettering).
Braunshtein claims Obama reminds him of Hitler (because when I think of Hitler I think of hope of course). Nothing could be more ridiculous. I think the bottom line here is that we have a joke of a “designer” starving for attention, and striving to get it by any means necessary.
In any case…why should it be a problem if Obama were a Muslim? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Are you kidding me? Included in the aforementioned freedoms is another that is often ignored…Freedom of Religion. I think a presidential candidate should be afforded that right as well, but wait a minute…why should a political leader’s religious beliefs even be a topic of discussion!? Can you say separation of church and state!? Note to self: Two topics for future discussion.
Fashionably yours (iron on lettered tees and all),
Labels: Apollo Braun, Disgust, Ignorance, Karma, Obama
Thursday, August 7, 2008
First, I have to say that I do not understand why people mock Senator Obama's suggestion that filling our tires will help save barrels of oil, and curb demand. It will save oil and therefore help the crisis at hand. It is not however, the be-all-end-all energy solution, and Obama knows that.
I must say though that I disagree with others who say Obama is finally "firing back."
He isn't. Not quite yet…
Senator Obama needs to become bolder in his speeches and demand sacrifice from the American people much like presidents did during World War II and Korea (and should have done during Iraq and Afghanistan) with rubber drives, scrap metal drives, purchasing war bonds, etc.
There was once a time where patriotism was not just shown by wearing a flag pin or having a bumper sticker, where patriotism was about action and how we led our lives. Senator Obama needs to ask "we the people" to rediscover that part of ourselves and take responsibility for our own country, perhaps even ask ourselves again what it is that we can do for our country. It is then and only then that Obama will begin to fire back.
Labels: McCain, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
You see, one of his customers decided to wear this shirt in public, was confronted by four people who found said shirt inappropriate, and decided to sue the designer because it is apparently his fault that she decided to spread hate. Now I am not condoning violence or this designer (see: person who learned how to use iron on letters while simultaneously discovering plain cotton tees), but what happened to personal responsibility? Do we now live in an age when people do not have to accept responsibility for their actions? Their questionable choices? You say Freedom of Speech…Freedom of Opinion…Freedom of Expression…sure that is all well and fine and whatnot. You can have all your freedoms, but it sure as hell does not make them right. This customer decided to support a hate monger, and karma caught up (more on karma later). Besides…she was only shoved, cursed, spat at, and (heaven forbid!!) had her earphones pulled out of her ears. I am not certain, but I think things could have been a hell of a lot worse.
Personal. Responsibility. Please.
It is not Braunshtein’s fault that she wore this shirt.
Questioning their choices,
The full article:
Labels: Apollo Braun, Disgust, Ignorance, Obama, Personal Responsibility
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
After receiving several e-mails asking, “Who is the Last of Our Kind?” I believe now is a good time to speak a little bit about the philosophy behind the words.
The Last of Our Kind is a group of intelligent people who believe that Darwin’s theory that the strongest will survive is no longer correct. We look around our world today and see a lack of smart, determined people. We believe whole heartedly that we are not alone in this world, but that we are in fact a dying breed.
These words are simply what we hope can be left behind to a world confused and searching for answers. We do not believe we are “more right” than others, or “Elitist.” We are simply educated enough to notice the problems in the world around us. We are determined to try to take these understandings and create change.
If we cannot see the problems around us and strive for success we are destined to fail.
We cannot do this alone. Do you want to join the Last of Our Kind? Do you have a voice inside you that aches for something better than what our country (and the world) is offering us? If you want to be heard (and feel you cannot sustain a site of your own) feel free to e-mail us a posting at where we openly take all posts from those who feel they can no longer remain silent. Do you have a site that feels the same as we do? Are you one of Us and did not realize it? E-mail us so we can link and share.
We will grow stronger with numbers.
We are the Last of Our Kind looking for the Rest of Our Kind. We know you are out there. We are here...
Labels: Call to action, response
Monday, August 4, 2008
We at Last of Our Kind have no intention of turning our blog into a celebrity gossip hot spot, but current events have led us to post the following…
Now I know what all the Brad Pitt/Angelina fans will say, “But it’s going to charity! (Their own foundation)” Let’s be honest about this, while charity is great, they sold their children to the media! These infants haven’t even opened their eyes and already they are thrown into the system that has caused stars like Robert Downey Jr. and Britney Spears to meltdown (luckily this writer is happy to say the former has recovered nicely, the latter…not so much). Nevertheless these kids will be stalked and photographed for the rest of their lives, and they can thank their mom and dad for opening the floodgates.
I know what you’re thinking, “But the paparazzi would have photographed them anyways.” This is absolutely true, however this People spread is only adding fuel to the fire. This “family album” is going to make every fan salivate for more, more, more! This will create the largest paparazzi vacuum since Bald Britney Spears.
Why couldn’t Brad and Angelina have taken the high road this one time. They gave the world Shiloh, but I guess that wasn’t good enough for them. Perhaps they crave the media attention more than I give them credit for (Paging Dr. Drew…) Why couldn’t Brad and Angelina have said “Not this time folks. This time we are going to protect our children from the vultures you all are.” But I guess as the old saying goes: It takes one to know one.
Knox and Vivienne, I am sorry that you were born into a world that craves photos of famous infants. I am sorry that you will forever be chased by flashbulbs and video cameras. I am sorry that you have been sold to a magazine and are now going to be “Media Darlings.” But there really is no one to blame but mom and dad.,,20216352,00.html
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Babies, Brad Pitt, Celebrity, Disgust
I am paranoid as hell. A young man in Canada was keeping to himself on a bus when, randomly and without warning, another man on the bus got up and began stabbing him. If you have not heard about this story by now, I would prefer to spare the gory details (you can read about it here if you so desire:, but what followed has to top my list of one of the most gruesome and terrifying events imaginable. This crime was committed by a man that only a couple of days prior was going about his life seemingly incapable of such shocking actions.
I am paranoid as hell. And I am sad and depressed to think about what a senseless, pointless, and purely evil occurrence this was. I am thoroughly disgusted. What is this world coming to? To find that evil such as this exists is deeply saddening and depressing. This man exhibited no signs of mental illness, he apparently showed no emotion while committing this brutal act, and apparently remained calm while proceeding to stab another human being time and time again.
I walked to the grocery store this evening and felt as though I had to watch over my shoulder and remain 110% aware of what was happening around me. Maybe this is a good way to live if you want to stay out of harm’s way, but I believe living in fear of random acts of brutal violence is no way to live. Love your neighbor, and maybe, just maybe, your love will be the difference between a senseless murder and an ordinary day at work. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Make a difference.
Your Neighbor,
Labels: Canada Bus Killing, Crime, Disgust, Evil, Sadness
Sunday, August 3, 2008
About 80% (depending on which poll you read) of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. 80%. That really says something about the leadership of this country. I think we need a bigger change than anyone is really ready for, or willing to do. If I were running for president I’d have very open and honest thoughts on every issue we now face.
The following is NOT an endorsement for anyone…it is simply my thoughts.
On Iraq:
The simple truth is what everyone seems to be afraid to really say. We can’t get out of Iraq as easily as most people think. Getting out of Iraq is complicated. Do we need to? Absolutely. Should we just pick up all of our soldiers and get out yes! There is no reason we should have gone in the first place or should be there this long. We cannot police this war forever. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our men and women for reasons that can’t be solved with more violence. However, that being said the truth is that if we do just pack up and leave the country will turn towards civil war. I know most people say that it can’t get any worse; well I believe it could get much worse. When we leave the Sunnis will fight the Shiites and the nation will collapse. Why? Because the government is not taking the necessary steps it needs to create stability. I believe that if we actually do give the nation a deadline that the government might finally get their heads out of the sand and do something if only for the fear of their nation turning on itself.
On religion:
I consider myself a man who has studied many religions and doesn’t believe one religion is or should be put above any other. I don’t believe in any one religion but I am not an atheist. I do not build my life around the belief that there is no god. I like to go outside and look at the stars and I like to believe that someone created all the beauty that is around me, but the simple truth is that I just don’t know, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. Since I do not know I am not living my life by a code that tells me someone is evil or wrong because they do not believe in the same things I do. I do not feel that I am better or worse than anyone because of this and that is a good thing. I feel the worst thing in the world is someone who has religion and damns people because of it. I used to go to church until I heard my minister, a man I respected give a sermon on the evil of homosexuality. Some of my friends are gay. These friends have been there for me when I needed them most, when I truly needed a shoulder to cry my friends have been there. Which brings me to...
Gay marriage:
I challenge anyone to offer a logical and legitimate argument against gay marriage. Don't you dare come at me with, “Well the bible says it’s wrong.” Don’t you dare try to tell me that a government has the right to say two gay people can’t get married? I’ll agree that a church won’t marry two gay people because that is what their beliefs are. I, as someone who wants to change this government can’t tell a church what to do. That’s what separation of church and state is all about. If that church wants to openly practice discrimination and hate that is within their right to do so. However, don’t for a second tell me that my gay friends cant go down to city hall and find a judge/justice of the peace and get married because that is something that I (as someone who wants government to change) can change. I can ask my government to stop practicing discrimination and hate. I should be able to force my government to follow one of the documents it was based on called the declaration of independence that promises everyone the pursuit of happiness. Don’t for a second tell me that marriage is not something one can pursue to be happy. I know what some may be thinking, and that’s that “gay marriage will ruin ‘the family.’” I think that is simply pure bullshit and only homophobic people believe that. They say that it isn’t an ideal place to raise children. I say how many fathers in straight marriages are alcoholics or how many parents now are drug addicts? We still allow them to get married. The simple truth is that there is no logical or legitimate argument against gay marriage and the only thing stopping this equal right is people’s fears of speaking up and demanding more from our leaders.
On gas prices:
I read an article that talked about why 50 mpg won’t happen in America soon, and frankly I think that’s crap. There are 50 mpg vehicles in Europe; I see the bmw commercial for the hydrogen car. The real reason we can’t get this done is again, because our leaders are not forcing any change to happen. Now I know some will say we cannot force car companies to make changes because it’s a free market and capitalism and all that other BS. However, we already are demanding that they change, but only to 35mpg. 35 mpg? That’s a joke! We should not only demand that they raise it to at least 50 but demand that they stop using gas altogether! I know some people will say we can’t do that, that a government can’t have control over business, but what if that control is to help the people it was elected to govern? Can’t the government demand better transportation for its people, can’t we demand less pollution for our planet? The truth is that government does have control over commerce and companies for the good of the people. We have OSHA and equal pay act and maternity leave. All these things demand that companies conform to certain things for the people, why cant we as a people and as a government demand that there be a better way for gas to be used or demand that we strive to get rid of it once and for all?
I wish I could say I want all Americans to read this so that I could believe again that we could become a nation that can be proud of itself, but the truth is I am not old enough to say that I believed before.
I was not there when Martin and Bobby and John asked the nation to question, to hope, and to dream. I was not there when we raced to the Moon and back again. I was not there when freedom was earned with blood in the streets. However, I am here now. I am here hoping that the leaders I have to look at will not become men and women whose names are simply placed on airports and schools. I am here now hoping that my leaders will not be full of lies and letdowns. I am here now hoping that all my beliefs will one day be realized and that the simple truths can be achieved. I am here now not waiting for change, but wanting it. Because if I do not want change and demand change, change will never happen.
Labels: Gas Prices, Gay Marriage, Iraq, Religion