Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Sadness

I am paranoid as hell. A young man in Canada was keeping to himself on a bus when, randomly and without warning, another man on the bus got up and began stabbing him. If you have not heard about this story by now, I would prefer to spare the gory details (you can read about it here if you so desire:, but what followed has to top my list of one of the most gruesome and terrifying events imaginable. This crime was committed by a man that only a couple of days prior was going about his life seemingly incapable of such shocking actions.

I am paranoid as hell. And I am sad and depressed to think about what a senseless, pointless, and purely evil occurrence this was. I am thoroughly disgusted. What is this world coming to? To find that evil such as this exists is deeply saddening and depressing. This man exhibited no signs of mental illness, he apparently showed no emotion while committing this brutal act, and apparently remained calm while proceeding to stab another human being time and time again.

I walked to the grocery store this evening and felt as though I had to watch over my shoulder and remain 110% aware of what was happening around me. Maybe this is a good way to live if you want to stay out of harm’s way, but I believe living in fear of random acts of brutal violence is no way to live. Love your neighbor, and maybe, just maybe, your love will be the difference between a senseless murder and an ordinary day at work. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Make a difference.

Your Neighbor,