Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Power of Talk

I don’t know when it happened exactly, but America has forgotten the importance of talk.

One would believe the explosion of the internet in the 90’s that in fact led to the flattening of the world and by cause and effect brought us closer together to exchange thoughts and ideas would have led to more and more conversation worldwide. One would hope that the rise of cell phones would make it easier to connect to everyone and anyone in an all digital age.

We can call, text, blog, vlog, e-mail, youtube, IM, skype, MySpace, and Google from the highest mountain tops to the lowest valleys and everywhere in between (including rocket ships in space and submarines underwater).

But somewhere in this world of constant information we forgot what it meant to simply talk to one another. We have gotten so used to short one word answers that conversation has become a thing of the past.

I recently read an article about the decline of talk therapy during visits between doctors and patients in psychiatry ( This article goes on to speak about the rise of pills causing the decline, which is true without a doubt. However, it misses the big issue that people nowadays believe they simply do not have the time to sit down and discuss their problems anymore. In a time where we have more than enough gadgets to save time, we waste time. We waste time trying to be know-it- alls. In this world of instant information a patient can Google his symptoms and get instant gratification by telling his doctor what pill he needs to continue his day without missing a beat.

The big picture here I feel is dire. We as human beings have problems. We get stressed out. We get upset at little things e.g. Starbucks was out of whip cream today. We get upset about big things e.g. Oil is $120 a barrel (or for some the big problem may be Starbucks running out of whip cream). The point is talking to people is a way to help rid ourselves of these worries. Perhaps the person we share our feelings with has the same worries, and perhaps the two of you find a third, and a fourth, and heavens forbid you actually start a movement to get more whip cream at Starbucks—Err to lower the price of oil.

As I said before the world is flatter now than ever before, let’s take this opportunity to look out across the horizon and talk to each other. It’s more powerful than you think.

Got something on your chest? Feel free to comment…

Happy to listen,