Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here's to Tomorrow

For anyone out there who still doubts, questions or criticizes Senator Barack Obama, I ask you one simple question:Why?

After his speech tonight why would anyone want to vote for John McCain.

Tonight, Senator Barack Obama gave an acceptance speech for the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. This speech not only brought people to their feet, and brought people to tears, but it inspired, it left people speechless and took their breath away. He shot back at McCain and spoke in a manner that elevates not only this election, but the direction he wants to take this country in a way that no one has seen in generations.

To his critics who have said he is vague and generic, tonight he was specific (some have reported as many as 29 specific policy points). He was sharp. He was piecing together his plan for the future of this country.

To anyone left who doubts Obama’s love for country, if you continue to believe this, you never had any intention for voting for this patriotic and intelligent man in the first place. I wish you luck in life voting for someone whose plan for the future is a retelling of the past.

Before the convention started I was skeptical. I was afraid that this man would be stripped of his opportunity to lead because this party could not be united. I was afraid the PUMAs would be strong, when in fact they were only kittens. I was afraid that Hillary would be bitter, when in fact she was gracious. I was afraid Bill would leave doubts, there are none to be seen.

Tonight I am proud to be an American. I am proud because the whole world was watching and we didn’t disappoint. We offered hope not just to the disenchanted and jaded people living in this country, but the millions of lookers worldwide from Iraq to Georgia, from Kenya, to Canada. Tonight we have said in this country we will no longer accept the status quo. Tonight we have said that our system is flawed. It is no longer working. Tonight we offered up a way to change. Tonight we saw hope, and a chance for a better tomorrow.

I know that many tomorrow will say that today was just a speech full of rhetoric and empty promises. I know that when Obama gets elected in November that the skies will not open up and things will not instantly become perfect. However, I also know that when Obama is elected in November it will be a start. It will be the start to a new era. A new era not just for America, but for the world. A time where the world can again look towards America for leadership and not look away from fear.

Senator Obama was right. This election is not about him. It is about you, me, we, us. It is about us having “enough.” It is about us not just choosing a new leader, but choosing a new direction, a new way of life and most importantly a new tomorrow for all.

Here's to tomorrow,