Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

eighty percent

About 80% (depending on which poll you read) of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. 80%. That really says something about the leadership of this country. I think we need a bigger change than anyone is really ready for, or willing to do. If I were running for president I’d have very open and honest thoughts on every issue we now face.

The following is NOT an endorsement for anyone…it is simply my thoughts.

On Iraq:
The simple truth is what everyone seems to be afraid to really say. We can’t get out of Iraq as easily as most people think. Getting out of Iraq is complicated. Do we need to? Absolutely. Should we just pick up all of our soldiers and get out yes! There is no reason we should have gone in the first place or should be there this long. We cannot police this war forever. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our men and women for reasons that can’t be solved with more violence. However, that being said the truth is that if we do just pack up and leave the country will turn towards civil war. I know most people say that it can’t get any worse; well I believe it could get much worse. When we leave the Sunnis will fight the Shiites and the nation will collapse. Why? Because the government is not taking the necessary steps it needs to create stability. I believe that if we actually do give the nation a deadline that the government might finally get their heads out of the sand and do something if only for the fear of their nation turning on itself.

On religion:
I consider myself a man who has studied many religions and doesn’t believe one religion is or should be put above any other. I don’t believe in any one religion but I am not an atheist. I do not build my life around the belief that there is no god. I like to go outside and look at the stars and I like to believe that someone created all the beauty that is around me, but the simple truth is that I just don’t know, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. Since I do not know I am not living my life by a code that tells me someone is evil or wrong because they do not believe in the same things I do. I do not feel that I am better or worse than anyone because of this and that is a good thing. I feel the worst thing in the world is someone who has religion and damns people because of it. I used to go to church until I heard my minister, a man I respected give a sermon on the evil of homosexuality. Some of my friends are gay. These friends have been there for me when I needed them most, when I truly needed a shoulder to cry my friends have been there. Which brings me to...

Gay marriage:
I challenge anyone to offer a logical and legitimate argument against gay marriage. Don't you dare come at me with, “Well the bible says it’s wrong.” Don’t you dare try to tell me that a government has the right to say two gay people can’t get married? I’ll agree that a church won’t marry two gay people because that is what their beliefs are. I, as someone who wants to change this government can’t tell a church what to do. That’s what separation of church and state is all about. If that church wants to openly practice discrimination and hate that is within their right to do so. However, don’t for a second tell me that my gay friends cant go down to city hall and find a judge/justice of the peace and get married because that is something that I (as someone who wants government to change) can change. I can ask my government to stop practicing discrimination and hate. I should be able to force my government to follow one of the documents it was based on called the declaration of independence that promises everyone the pursuit of happiness. Don’t for a second tell me that marriage is not something one can pursue to be happy. I know what some may be thinking, and that’s that “gay marriage will ruin ‘the family.’” I think that is simply pure bullshit and only homophobic people believe that. They say that it isn’t an ideal place to raise children. I say how many fathers in straight marriages are alcoholics or how many parents now are drug addicts? We still allow them to get married. The simple truth is that there is no logical or legitimate argument against gay marriage and the only thing stopping this equal right is people’s fears of speaking up and demanding more from our leaders.

On gas prices:
I read an article that talked about why 50 mpg won’t happen in America soon, and frankly I think that’s crap. There are 50 mpg vehicles in Europe; I see the bmw commercial for the hydrogen car. The real reason we can’t get this done is again, because our leaders are not forcing any change to happen. Now I know some will say we cannot force car companies to make changes because it’s a free market and capitalism and all that other BS. However, we already are demanding that they change, but only to 35mpg. 35 mpg? That’s a joke! We should not only demand that they raise it to at least 50 but demand that they stop using gas altogether! I know some people will say we can’t do that, that a government can’t have control over business, but what if that control is to help the people it was elected to govern? Can’t the government demand better transportation for its people, can’t we demand less pollution for our planet? The truth is that government does have control over commerce and companies for the good of the people. We have OSHA and equal pay act and maternity leave. All these things demand that companies conform to certain things for the people, why cant we as a people and as a government demand that there be a better way for gas to be used or demand that we strive to get rid of it once and for all?

I wish I could say I want all Americans to read this so that I could believe again that we could become a nation that can be proud of itself, but the truth is I am not old enough to say that I believed before.

I was not there when Martin and Bobby and John asked the nation to question, to hope, and to dream. I was not there when we raced to the Moon and back again. I was not there when freedom was earned with blood in the streets. However, I am here now. I am here hoping that the leaders I have to look at will not become men and women whose names are simply placed on airports and schools. I am here now hoping that my leaders will not be full of lies and letdowns. I am here now hoping that all my beliefs will one day be realized and that the simple truths can be achieved. I am here now not waiting for change, but wanting it. Because if I do not want change and demand change, change will never happen.