Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Message for Hillary Clinton

Dear Senator Hillary Clinton,

You speech was gracious, selfless, and inspiring.

You have taken the lead in unifying the party. You have taken away the doubts of many Democrats who thought you to be bitter and therefore dividing this party in two. You have raised the spirits of many who were losing hope, the people who felt this election slipping in the wrong direction.

With the speech you gave you elevated the stakes to a new level. This is not about you. This is not about Senator Obama. This is about the future of this country, a future that cannot endure more of the same. This speech spoke to your PUMA supporters and challenged them. You have said if you vote for John McCain you do not speak for me, you do not know me, and you will offend me… you will let me down.

Senator Clinton I thank you for raising the bar for the rest of us. You have silenced the media and the story they love to tell about you and Obama having a grudge. You have changed the dialogue. You have turned the page. I look forward to reading the next chapter.

Let’s hope your husband, President Clinton continues the progression of change. As I said before, you have raised the bar and will be a very tough act to follow.

Thank you,