I have come to realize why people think Senator Barack Obama is Muslim.
I was hoping it was ignorance, or just plain stupidity. However, if that was true I feel it would pass, and the truth is people still try to convince others that he is Muslim. There are still emails surfacing that claim he is Muslim with facts and pictures, and eyewitness accounts and blah, blah, blah.
The fact that so many people still believe Obama is a Muslim is distressing, and actually very sad. The truth is its racism. To borrow from Clarence Thomas, Obama is dealing with a “high-tech lynching.”
I know people don’t like to talk about race. I know it stirs up past anger, and instantly divides. But the truth is that there are voters who live in this country who WILL NOT vote for Obama because he is black.
Now of course these voters won’t say that. They don’t want to be called a racist, because they would “never say something racist,” not in this day and age. So what do they do? They take swipes at his religion. People call him Muslim because his father is from Kenya. He must be Muslim because his name is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. They call him Muslim because his pastor said things that were anti-American (so of course he can’t be a true Christian). But most importantly they call him a Muslim because they are allowed to.
The truth is “Muslim” has been stigmatized much like the N-word. The truth is that “Islamic terrorists” attacked this country. They were Muslims, so that means people feel it is okay to be afraid of them. September 11th was “just seven years ago,” it hasn’t been long enough to stop being afraid. There has not been enough time for people to stop and say wait a minute, not all Muslims are bad people. Because of fear mongering...Muslim is now used to evoke fear and evil. We don’t need to be afraid of them.
Like the N-word, so much hate is tied to Muslim that when we hear it people cringe, and look at Muslims as if they are going to hurt us, when in fact they won’t. The saddest part is that the term Muslim shouldn’t be offensive. I understand that the N-word should have and will always be offensive, but Muslim?
Let’s be honest here. Senator Obama doesn’t have the Muslim problem in big cities, and states like California and New York. His problems lie in small towns and the South. That’s right the South, the region of the country that still flies the confederate flag. The South is the region of the country where Martin Luther King fought tirelessly for so many years to rid our nation of the N-word and the culture around it.
Now I’m not saying that everyone in the South is racist. I know that is not true. I’m not saying all Republicans are racist, and I certainly know John McCain is above this issue. However, as I said it is in these small rural towns with very few black people, and even less Muslims that these stereotypes and hatred get rooted.
Senator Obama has (unfairly) had to fight this issue over and over again. He has dedicated entire web pages and campaign stops to it. Remember saddleback with Pastor Rick Warren?
(For our post on separation of Church and State click
here) Senator Obama had to go to that forum to prove that he is not Muslim, because that issue has gotten so much attention.
I believe if Senator Obama had been running in the 60’s for President the N-word would be shouted at him everywhere he went. Today no one would dare call Obama the N-word or be caught dead around anyone saying it (in public and “on mic” anyways). However, people call him Muslim without thinking twice.
We have come so far, yet have hardly moved forward at all.
Will we ever change?
Well, his name is Barack Hussein Obama, his father and grandfather were muslim and his former pastor was a muslim. In fact, if you comapre black liberation theology with the creed of the muslim faith, you find striking similarities. If you didn't know that Rev. Wright was in the pulpit of a 'christian' church. you would think he was a minister in a mosque. Given those facts and the fact that Hussein was a member of that church for 17 years how can you not at least ask the question?
He even slipped up on camera and referred to it as "my muslim faith" George Stephanopoulos had to correct him.
He was raised by a muslim and attended muslim schools. I am not going to just blindly take his word for it when he has so clearly shown a penchant for lying to the American people.
You are showing your ignorance and don't even have the guts to sign your name to it. Must be proud of yourself to post something like that and then hide your true name. Why??? Because as the author of the blog said, racism is alive and well in 2008. I am not even going to try to answer your spurilous charges because you don't even deserve an answer. It is so ludicrous and they have all been answered before. You are just spouting nonsense.
Last of Our Kind...you are so right in your assesment...however sad it is. I have seen it over and over ..the only thing I take exception in your blog with is the statement you made about John McCain...I am not so sure about that anymore. With some of the things I have heard out of his mouth and from his campaign I am not sure there isn't some racism creeping in there also. I have seen a lot coming across from the so called "Moral Majority" lately. From the "Value Voters" last weekend in DC, in an email from the head of the Southern Baptists in Florida.So called Christians that made me sick at my stomach. Even the pastor of my church, needless to say I won't be going there again. So, I can really relate to how Barack felt about Rev. Wright now. I knew that my pastor and I didn't share the same politicol views. But until this election I didn't realize how prejudiced he really was.
Thanks for letting me vent. Thanks for stating this also. It is something that has been simmering under the surface.
Thank you! It is always great to hear some positive feedback from others like us.
We are afraid you may be right about John McCain's rasicm. However, in fairness we hope (and want to believe) it is more the people around him than the senator himself.
Hey Annette,
The word is scurrilous and there is nothing scurrilous about what I said. Look it up. I did.
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