According to the Associated Press:
“When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the city billed sexual-assault victims and their insurance companies for the cost of rape kits and forensic examinations (which cost from $300 to $1,200 at the time). Palin had been in office for four years when the practice got the attention of state lawmakers in 2000, who passed a bill to stop it. Former Democratic Rep. Eric Croft, who sponsored that bill, said he was disappointed that asking the Wasilla Police Department to stop charging didn't work.”
Take a moment and read that again. Let it settle in.
Are you outraged? You should be.
I wish that stories like this were actually getting more time in the media. This is incredibly upsetting to think that Sarah Palin, a Vice Presidential candidate for the United States of America would CHARGE victims of rape for their own rape kits. To think that this is the woman McCain chose in order to help secure women voters, especially the disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporters, is insane.
It is times like these I wish Hillary were still out campaigning every day. I wish she would hear about this story and stand up for women (and anyone who has been victimized) everywhere and say “Is this a joke? Is this woman serious? This woman does not stand for nor speak for any woman I know.”
I am angry not only because this is an issue that will get no attention. It angers me that someone, a woman (and no this is not a sexist statement) would be so callous to charge the victim of rape for the inspection of their body afterwards. Yes, I am sure as the article says the victim then charges the insurance company, but to think that Sarah Palin would condone, and allow this practice which ultimately extends the atrocity of rape is unconscionable.
Where is the outrage America? Where are the Hillary voters now? Why aren’t they standing up screaming that this woman stands for nothing they believe in? In fact why aren’t all voters and all Americans standing up and asking questions.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Sarah Palin doesn’t take questions. She doesn’t give answers. Her first interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC sounded so rehearsed, so full of pre planned talking points it was laughable.
Will the real Sarah Palin please stand up? The world is waiting to see what it is you stand for, because from what I can see it isn’t what women, and Americans need, or want.
52 days until the election,
While I admit that charging women for rape kits is beyond ridiculous, it's not something that would dissuade me from voting for the ticket. I'd love to see the media ask her about it and I'm sure that once DailyKos gets wind of it they will. The fact remains that Hussein is a socialist whose economic plan falls right in line with every other failed democrat plan to stimulate the economy: raise taxes and institute more government entitlements.
Let's be fair and recognize that Hussein has had his problems when not in front of a teleprompter or otherwise scripted as well.
If her charging for rape kits doesn't dissuade you from voting for the ticket perhaps her flip flop on the bridge to no where, her lobbying for $27 million for her small town, or her stances against abortion (even against rape and incest) and her incredible anti-stem cell stances which, suprisingly enough go against even John McCain.
As for Senator Obama, and his problems with unscripted speaking. When I hear him speak I hear someone actually take the time to think about what comes out of his mouth instead of just shouting nonsense.
Let's take a breath and remember that she is not running for president. She is the Vice Presidential nominee. That said,
I'm against abortion in most cases too, although I don't think there should be laws against it. I don't see how anyone can be against it in cases of rape and incest. If you agree with every one of Hussein's positions then you are lucky that you have the perfect candidate to vote for. But his associations with a terrorist like Bill Ayers, a slumlord like Tony Rezco, hate mongers like Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan don't dissuade you from voting for him? The fact that his political mentors are all communists and the fact that his limited voting record (when he actually took a stand on something) is left of Bernie Sanders', the documented socialist senator from Vermont doesn't dissuade you? The fact that no democrat has ever been able to tax and spend our way out of a bad economy doesn't dissuade you?
You talk about flip flops. Someone who changes their position after they are presented with new information is not a flip flopper. Someone who changes their position when their job description and responsibilities change is not a flip flopper. How many times has your guy changed positions because he realized that it was politically expedient, rather than because he felt it was the right thing to do?
If none of that at least makes you question his fitness to be president, then nothing will.
As I alluded to earlier, I don't agree with McCain on every issue, in fact, he's a hair's breadth away from being a democrat and I'd rather that a third party candidate like Bob Barr were a viable option. Unfortunately, voting for him would be tantamount to voting for Hussein, so one could say that I am not so much voting for McCain as I am voting AGAINST Hussein.
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