Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Top 10...

Things that completely disgust me:

1. The manipulation of America’s need for instant gratification. The government and big oil want you all to the think that drilling is going to make a difference in the short term, that it is going to make gas prices fall the minute we start drilling. That is NOT going to happen. Guess what? Drilling will NOT affect gas prices until ten years from the start of drilling, and even so, it will not affect them by much. Drilling will not make a difference in the short term, and it will not make a difference in the long term. People advocate drilling without even stopping to think…what difference is this going to make? What it will do is make big oil companies more money. What it will do is destroy thousands of acres of untouched wilderness, which brings me to my next point…

Alaska National Wildlife Reserve:

"Clean" drilling and oil operations currently in Alaska (and the ANWR if we allow it):

2. Our willingness to destroy and devour the earth for our own selfish desires now, with little regard for the future of our planet. What more is there to say? But I am just an extreme liberal that believes in the myth of global warming, climate change, the greenhouse effect, melting glaciers, and the tooth fairy (sorry if I spoiled your belief in the tooth fairy).

3. The inability of our prestigious presidential candidates to discuss the issues. Last week we spent three days discussing lipstick on a pig. We spent time hearing a distortion that claimed Obama wanted to teach kindergarteners about sex. We have wasted precious time worrying about whether or not we are being sexist by questioning Palin’s qualifications, and not enough time actually examining her qualifications (Charlie Gibson has now vetted Palin more thoroughly than McBush…can you say Bush Doctrine?). We have WASTED time sifting through, and sorting out, the lies the McBush campaign have been spreading about Obama. As a result, Obama has spent the majority of his time responding to these outrageous lies.

4. People who attack Obama’s lack of experience and then attack him as the most liberal senator in the US. Which one is it? If he has no experience, then how can his record possibly show that he is the most liberal senator? If he is the most liberal senator, then he must have experience to have built that record right? Then you will attack me by saying he has no record at all, and no experience…to you I say, better than a record that reflects and supports the complete failure of the Bush policies of the last eight years.

5. Both McCain and Palin are against abortion but for the death penalty. Now I am not advocating either side, but isn’t that a contradiction? We are pro-life…but we’ll give you the electric chair? That makes sense.

6. The wall that has been put up around Palin. The media has been given one interview, and nothing more. If we question her qualifications, they cry sexism. If we say she is not qualified, we are sexists. If we talk about the failed policies of Bush and McCain, we are accused of calling Palin a pig and being…you guessed it…sexist. And the McBush campaign wants us to believe they picked her for her qualifications and not purely political purposes? If she was highly qualified, I think there would be no hesitation in allowing her to speak to the media.

7. McBush said he thinks, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” He said this on the same day that the DOW plummeted, and since then, it has continued to plummet, and only starting to rebound today…who knows about tomorrow. Remember when you told us the economy was not your strongest subject McBush? Thanks for not lying to us on that one.

8. McBush and Palin attempting to run as the change agents.

9. Palin’s ideas on the economy…oh wait…she doesn’t have any…nevermind. Palin's ideas on anything...oh wait...she doesn't have any. At least she knows what the Bush Doctrine is now (you can send a thank you card and chocolates to Charlie Gibson).

10. People who use fear mongering to attack Obama. Referring to him by his middle name only to prey on the fear of the American people. Haven’t the American people endured enough? So his middle name is Hussein…big deal (or do Americans now have something against anyone with a middle-eastern sounding name?). My middle name is George Bush…scared yet? You should be.

Pissed off because I'm paying attention,


Conservative Beat Down said...

1. The amount of space needed to drill in ANWR is akin to the amount of space a postage stamp takes up on a football field.
2. You're right, it is a myth
3. Presidential campaigns have always been dirty. They tell lies about each other and respond to the lies. I don't like it any more than you do but it is what it is.
4. I don't think that the fact that he's a liberal Senator and he has no EXECUTIVE experience are mutually exclusive. He couldn't even decide on whether or not he was for or against the bailout of AIG.
5. Abortion and the death penalty? Come on, that argument is beneath you. I have no problem with people who are against the death penalty. It is a legitimate point of view that I disagree with.
6. I agree that Palin needs to be more accessible to the media. She can't be any worse than Biden.
7. You're right, that was a bone headed statement he made about the economy, but Biden canceled that out today with his ridiculous comment about paying more taxes being patriotic.
8. McCain Palin as change agents? Decent campaign strategy. Change for change sake is not always good. Clearly you're not old enough to remember Jimmy Carter's disastrous presidency.
9. No argument from me on that one.
10. I call him Hussein because that is his name. I don't think is inspires any more fear than his first or last name. We should all be afraid that he has sympathy for the radical muslims that want to kill us.

Last Of Our Kind said...

1. ANWR is NOT a postage stamp or a football field. The comparison is pointless.
2. I don't even know how to respond to someone who actually believes global warming is a myth. You've got to try really hard to hang on to that belief. Talk to me in 30 years...if the global average temperature isn't higher, if the ice caps aren't still melting, if the sea level hasn't risen at all, then I suppose maybe it was a myth...but for some reason I highly doubt that will be the case.
3. The point is, I'm sick of dirty campaigns. They avoid and distract from what is important and that is a disgrace.
4. Guess what? John McCain has no executive experience either. And the year and half Palin was in office doesn't really qualify as executive experience either.
5. I was never advocating either view on any of those points...I just think policies on murder should remain consistent.
6. Biden is better than both of the republican candidates combined.
7. I think Biden's statement was much less damaging and out of touch the McCain' far. There was a time people did invest in this country as a symbol of patriotism, they were called war bonds. Also when has anyone decreased taxes in a time of war?
8. I'm not old enough to remember Carter's presidency. Clearly you are too old to care about the future of our planet judging by your belief that global wamring is a myth.
9. Nothing to say here.
10. The simple fact that you associate him with "radical muslims" is fear mongering. Guess what? Not all Muslim people are bad. You call him Hussein, and you know exactly what you are doing when you do it...whether you admit it or not.

Anonymous said...

Back to basics is spot on! You're right, tho, not all muslims are bad, but all of the people that want to kill us are muslim. So I don't think it's wrong to point out the fact that Obama has muslim ties. We shouls be afraid of that.