Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

...Full of Grace

Today John McCain threw up a Hail Mary. He suspended his campaign. He called for the debate to be cancelled in order to go to Washington to pass legislation to solve the financial crisis America is experiencing. This is from the man who a week ago said, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong." This is from the man who has not voted on anything since April.

I find it hard to believe that John McCain has any idea or true plan to implement once he gets to Washington later this week. Something tells me this is more about politics than anything else. He may be saying this is putting “Country First,” but it sure feels the opposite to me.

We also have President Bush going on TV tonight to warn the American people that we must pass this legislation worth $700 billion or face dire consequences.

Excuse me?

This is coming from the President who warned us that we have to invade Iraq or face dire consequences? This from the president who is as lame a duck as can be. He has no support or credibility from anyone. But please Mr. President, get on the TV tonight and use fear to get your message across. You are a pro by now and tonight will be no different.

Then we have Senator Obama. His response today to John McCain's announcement was picture perfect. Obama said the debates should continue because, surprise! He believes the American people should hear what these candidates have to say about these important issues.

This is not a time to suspend a campaign and go back to Washington. This is a time to show true leadership by reaching out to Americans and stating where you stand. Go to the debate and tell us how this economic mess will affect us worldwide. Tie these problems to our failures abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell us what your plan is to change not only Washington, but America. Truly put “Country First.” Go and debate these issues. It is more important to debate right now than ever before.

Today, John McCain threw up a Hail Mary to try to change the polls. He’s trying to show leadership by infusing politics into this issue that should be as unpartisan as possible. He threw up a Hail Mary to buy him time, to suspend the inevitable loss he will face in November. Today John McCain threw up a Hail Mary...full of grace it is not.

Here’s to Friday,