Question of the Week:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I want to know if McBush actually believes the spin that emanates from his campaign on an hourly basis. In the last week we have seen McBush:
· “Put country first” with a faux suspension of his campaign
· Continue to run campaign ads despite his suspended campaign
· Refuse to debate until a deal had been reached on the bailout plan
· Debate when there was no deal on the bailout plan
· Inject presidential politics in a national crisis
· Put his political campaign above the American people
· Claim that his leadership convinced Republicans to vote for the bailout
· Fail to convince even his own Arizona republican colleagues to vote for the bailout
· Blame the democrats and Obama for the failure of the bailout
· Accuse Obama of “phoning it in” on the financial crisis
· Phone it in on the financial crisis
· Assert that this is not the time for blame
· Then blame Obama for the failure of the bailout
· Attempt to make us believe that he would ride into Washington and save the day
· Ride into Washington and watched the bailout fall apart
· Claim the fundamentals of our economy our strong
· Claim that this is the most significant financial crisis of our lives
Do I really need to go on? I could fill this post with pages and pages and pages and…well you get the idea. So my question is: Does McBush actually believe the assertions he is spewing forth? Or is he just hoping that all of us are stupid enough to fall for this ridiculous political spin factor?
In a previous post, I mentioned that it is my belief that McBush’s campaign is attempting to make us all just a little more unintelligent with their tactics. That if they shift positions and present enough contradictions we will all forget what they were talking about in the first place. If they talk politics enough, and attack Obama enough, we will forget that McCain rarely speaks about the issues. That if they lie enough, and with enough fervor, we will all forget what the truth actually looks and sounds like.
McBush’s tactics look incredibly un-presidential. In a time of crisis, the American people not only need, but also deserve a leader that does not panic and add to the chaos. The president cannot act erratic and unpredictable in times of crisis. I do not believe that the recent tactics of the McCain campaign have anything at all to do with our country and the American people. I do not believe any of the spin and lies spewing forth from the McCain campaign. How many times in the next week will McCain change his views? How many contradictions will come from his campaign before this election is over?
I just want to know…Does McCain really believe all of the lies, contradictions, and distortions coming from his campaign lately? If he does believe it, then he is even more out of touch than I ever thought possible. If he does not believe his own lies, then how can he continue to claim that he is here to “put country first?” I’ve said it before, and I will say it again…Congratulations McBush, you have officially made me stupider.
During all of this, what was Obama doing? He was working behind the scenes, trying to prevent presidential politics from poisoning the financial crisis. He was steady and sure of himself. He did not make any rash decisions. He did not exhibit erratic behavior. He did not fall into the political trap McCain set for him by suspending his campaign. Now McCain has to eat crow. Now who looks inexperienced? Now who looks unprepared for the job?
Wake up Senator McCain…your actions actually do have consequences and no amount of spin is going to change that.
I will leave you with some random thoughts:
- Has McBush un-suspended his campaign?
- Will he re-suspend his campaign now that the bailout has failed?
- Or is it still suspended? I can’t tell the difference
- When did McCain decide that he is a political martyr?
- His antics make me feel like I am watching a Mel Gibson flick
- SNL’s parody of Palin’s Couric interview lifted, verbatim, so much from the actual interview that it’s scary
- Biden has debate experience dating to 1972…Palin was in 2nd grade
- Thursday night’s debate should be deliciously entertaining
How many lies does it take to get to the center of...?
Friday, September 26, 2008
“Listen up all you inexperienced youngsters. I am going to be the next leader of the free world. I am going to tell you my thoughts and ideas and plans to fix everything.” He continued, “Listen to your elders, and respect my decision to suspend my campaign and put ‘Country First’ I along with my soul-mate Sarah Palin will tackle this economic meltdown because we are mavericks who know what change means!”Because of Senator McCain’s strength and leadership I once again have faith in my economy, my bank, and my government. Thank you Senator McCain! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
But in the real world this didn’t happen.
In the real world another bank failed. In the real world people are still afraid. In the real world the people do not trust the government. In the real world Senator John McCain went to Washington to meet with President Bush and Senator Obama and others. In the real world, he sat and “stayed silent for most of the session and spoke only briefly to voice general principles for a rescue plan.”
Bravo Senator. Congratulations for going to Washington to tackle this problem. Thank you for showing true leadership. Thank you for actually reading the 3 page plan the government has to save this country. Oh wait you didn’t.
What you did do is go to Washington to try to take credit for an agreement that wasn’t reached. What you did do is inject politics into this issue that will affect every single American, man, woman, and child for generations. What you did do is choose to shun us all by refusing to debate (This is still to be determined, but right now he is not going to debate).
In other McCain news, Governor Sarah Palin appeared on CBS News with Katie Couric. The following is their exchange on Foreign Policy:
Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?REALLY? How long are we as Americans going to accept this choice for VP? How long before people realize John McCain did not put “Country First” in his choice of Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters.
Couric: Mocked?
Palin: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.
Couric: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials.
Palin: Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of. And there…
Couric:Have you ever been involved in any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?
Palin: We have trade missions back and forth, we do. It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.
But wait there is more:
Couric: But can you give me any other concrete examples? Because I know you've said Barack Obama is a lot of talk and no action. Can you give me any other examples in his 26 years of John McCain truly taking a stand on this?This would all be hilarious if it wasn’t true. However, the fact is that half of the country will support this ticket. Half of the country believes that these two represent “Change” better than Senators Obama and Biden. The saddest thing I feel right now is that no matter what McCain and Palin say or how irresponsible they act, people will still vote for them.
Palin: I can give you examples of things that John McCain has done, that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities. And that is what America needs today.
Couric: I'm just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.
Palin: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you.
It’s time to wake up America. This isn’t fun and games. This is the future of our country at stake. Is there anyone who can offer a better plan to set this country on the right track. Is there anyone who can take the failures of the Bush administration and build on them towards success? Is there really any reason not to support Obama/Biden?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Manipulations of the American People:

- The politics of fear. The attempt by the Bush administration to convince the American people and its leaders that they must support and hastily approve a $700 billion bailout. (Who’s the Socialist now?) The Bush administration is trying to scare us all into signing a blank check for Wall Street. They are trying to scare us into this in the same exact way they scared us into a war in Iraq under false pretenses. This financial crisis was created by the Bush administration, and now we are supposed to trust them to fix the problem? McCain represents, and has supported, the same failed policies of this administration and we are supposed to elect him to office? We are supposed to believe he is going to bring change to Washington? If that is not manipulation, I have no idea what is.
- McBush’s decision to suspend his campaign, postpone the presidential debate, and “put country first” in this time of financial crisis. This is the most thinly veiled political move I have seen since…well…the last mass distraction concoction of the McBush campaign. This political move was purely designed to either cast Obama as a follower of the “true” leadership of McBush if he agreed, or cast him as the candidate that does not put country first if he does not agree. Fortunately for us all, Obama refused to interject presidential politics to the proceedings at Capitol Hill. He held a short press conference and refused to create yet another distraction from the issues. McBush has suddenly decided that this financial crisis is serious enough to suspend his campaign. Quite the erratic shift from “the fundamentals of our economy our strong.” And where is his running mate in all of this? Desperately attempting to add foreign policy and international relations credentials to her resume.
- Proposing the use of taxpayer money to bailout corporations whose CEO’s make more in a month than the average American. Need I say more?
- The No-Talk Express. The continued media isolation of Sarah Palin by the McBush campaign. Finally, the mass media is beginning to show some anger over the refusal of interviews. They are finally starting to question exactly what it is that Palin is hiding. Could it be her complete and utter lack of experience? Perhaps it is her lack of interview experience (spectacularly showcased in her interview with Charlie Gibson)? Or maybe, just maybe, McBush realized that his campaign should have more thoroughly vetted this purely political choice for VP. Maybe he realized that Palin is actually more like Bush than himself. Maybe McBush realized that his running mate is thoroughly unprepared to stand up to real media questioning, and in so doing, would expose herself as evidence of his irresponsible and erratic behavior.
- The No-Talk Express using sexism to prevent any and all questioning of Palin’s qualifications. Never you mind the actual Alaskan road to nowhere in Ketchikan that actually leads to a non-existent bridge, is used by no one, and was built while she was governor, yet she still claims to have opposed the bridge to nowhere. Never you mind the trooper-gate scandal she is refusing to cooperate with. Never you mind her not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is. Never you mind that she has no foreign policy experience. But for some reason, if we ask these questions, if we examine these issues, we are sexist. Never you mind…you sexist.
- McBush’s continued insistence that he is a change agent and a maverick. Erratic and irresponsible behavior does not make you a maverick; it makes you a bad leader. McBush has proven time and again that his reckless behavior does not put country first…it places politics first. Politics as usual. Pick the running mate that will create the most buzz and surprise. Suspend a campaign to appear “presidential.” Distract everyone from the issues using bona fide lies.
- Claiming to put “country first,” and then choosing a highly unqualified running mate. Claiming to put “country first,” but refusing to attend a debate and inform the public of your policies. Claiming to put the “country first,” but distracting us all from the financial crisis to discuss your political acrobatics. Claiming to put “country first,” but hiding your running mate from the media, and flat out refusing interviews. I could go on forever…
- The attempt to convince us that drilling for oil will make a difference in the price of gas and energy in the short term. This is preying on the American need for instant gratification. If you convince enough people that drilling will ease the strain on their pocketbooks two years from now, of course they will jump on the bandwagon. The crude oil from drilling on US oil will not reach refineries and become actual fuel for at least ten years. This is a ploy by big oil companies and corporations to get you to agree to destroy our planet so they can reap the profits.
- The American Express Business credit card commercials that imply you are a threat, and will be apprehended by airport security if you do no use their card.
- My use of the name McBush to remind you all that McCain will continue to enact and carry out the same failed policies of the Bush administration.

Road to Nowhere:

Still pissed off...still paying attention,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I find it hard to believe that John McCain has any idea or true plan to implement once he gets to Washington later this week. Something tells me this is more about politics than anything else. He may be saying this is putting “Country First,” but it sure feels the opposite to me.
We also have President Bush going on TV tonight to warn the American people that we must pass this legislation worth $700 billion or face dire consequences.
Excuse me?
This is coming from the President who warned us that we have to invade Iraq or face dire consequences? This from the president who is as lame a duck as can be. He has no support or credibility from anyone. But please Mr. President, get on the TV tonight and use fear to get your message across. You are a pro by now and tonight will be no different.
Then we have Senator Obama. His response today to John McCain's announcement was picture perfect. Obama said the debates should continue because, surprise! He believes the American people should hear what these candidates have to say about these important issues.
This is not a time to suspend a campaign and go back to Washington. This is a time to show true leadership by reaching out to Americans and stating where you stand. Go to the debate and tell us how this economic mess will affect us worldwide. Tie these problems to our failures abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell us what your plan is to change not only Washington, but America. Truly put “Country First.” Go and debate these issues. It is more important to debate right now than ever before.
Today, John McCain threw up a Hail Mary to try to change the polls. He’s trying to show leadership by infusing politics into this issue that should be as unpartisan as possible. He threw up a Hail Mary to buy him time, to suspend the inevitable loss he will face in November. Today John McCain threw up a Hail Mary...full of grace it is not.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I recently saw a piece on CNN talking about our failing education systems. It got me thinking. Why are we so far behind the rest of the world, and what are we going to do about it?
In 2007 the USA failed to make the top ten in reading, mathematics, and science. That is shameful. The blame I feel lands with the public education system. Why are our students falling so far behind from the rest of the world?
Some may say it is the faults of the teachers, but with teachers unions being such a force to be reckoned with can we just fire all the “bad” teachers? And how do we define “bad” teachers?
Some would like to say that No Child Left Behind was a good thing. These people would argue that having standardized tests for children every year really allows us to raise the bar and to see which children are struggling, so we can make sure they catch up and therefore are not left behind.
However, the problem is that students are taught the tests. Period. Teachers are no longer allowed to create their own curriculums. They are not allowed to give much input to what they teach their students, and who knows these students (and more importantly the backgrounds and even neighborhoods) better than their teachers.
I feel it is important to challenge our teachers. We should give them more responsibility. Senator Obama said something around, “If we ask more from our teachers we can expect more.” We must challenge our teachers and reward our teachers.
There has to be a way to find out which teachers are getting the job done. There has to be a way to find out what their secrets are. Not all of our students are failing, but there is a problem somewhere and we have to fix it.
I believe we need more funding for education. We need more money for preschools. Studies have shown that children who know their alphabet before starting kindergarten do better later. Preschool is a great start, but without proper funding they will not work.
We need more teachers in the classrooms so that we can create smaller classrooms and focus more on students. The main problem here (and everyone knows it) is that teachers are not paid enough at all. There is something wrong in this country when CEOs and movie stars and athletes are paid millions upon millions of dollars every year, but our teachers struggle to survive with many moonlighting at night just to get by.
We need to strongly encourage every student to want to go to college, and help them achieve that goal by making it affordable. I feel Senator Obama’s plan to give each student a $4,000 credit per semester is a fantastic idea. Some may argue that this is government providing education, one step closer to Socialism. However, Senator Obama is not giving these students this money with no strings attached; they must earn this money by working in their community, etc.
We have to raise the educational bar in this country. I believe (and call me crazy) we can achieve higher standards by asking for higher standards. If we push for better teachers, and better schools we will get better students. We will get better futures.
This is a call to action. We can not fail. We must not fail.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
I was hoping it was ignorance, or just plain stupidity. However, if that was true I feel it would pass, and the truth is people still try to convince others that he is Muslim. There are still emails surfacing that claim he is Muslim with facts and pictures, and eyewitness accounts and blah, blah, blah.
The fact that so many people still believe Obama is a Muslim is distressing, and actually very sad. The truth is its racism. To borrow from Clarence Thomas, Obama is dealing with a “high-tech lynching.”
I know people don’t like to talk about race. I know it stirs up past anger, and instantly divides. But the truth is that there are voters who live in this country who WILL NOT vote for Obama because he is black.
Now of course these voters won’t say that. They don’t want to be called a racist, because they would “never say something racist,” not in this day and age. So what do they do? They take swipes at his religion. People call him Muslim because his father is from Kenya. He must be Muslim because his name is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. They call him Muslim because his pastor said things that were anti-American (so of course he can’t be a true Christian). But most importantly they call him a Muslim because they are allowed to.
The truth is “Muslim” has been stigmatized much like the N-word. The truth is that “Islamic terrorists” attacked this country. They were Muslims, so that means people feel it is okay to be afraid of them. September 11th was “just seven years ago,” it hasn’t been long enough to stop being afraid. There has not been enough time for people to stop and say wait a minute, not all Muslims are bad people. Because of fear mongering...Muslim is now used to evoke fear and evil. We don’t need to be afraid of them.
Like the N-word, so much hate is tied to Muslim that when we hear it people cringe, and look at Muslims as if they are going to hurt us, when in fact they won’t. The saddest part is that the term Muslim shouldn’t be offensive. I understand that the N-word should have and will always be offensive, but Muslim?
Let’s be honest here. Senator Obama doesn’t have the Muslim problem in big cities, and states like California and New York. His problems lie in small towns and the South. That’s right the South, the region of the country that still flies the confederate flag. The South is the region of the country where Martin Luther King fought tirelessly for so many years to rid our nation of the N-word and the culture around it.
Now I’m not saying that everyone in the South is racist. I know that is not true. I’m not saying all Republicans are racist, and I certainly know John McCain is above this issue. However, as I said it is in these small rural towns with very few black people, and even less Muslims that these stereotypes and hatred get rooted.
Senator Obama has (unfairly) had to fight this issue over and over again. He has dedicated entire web pages and campaign stops to it. Remember saddleback with Pastor Rick Warren?
I believe if Senator Obama had been running in the 60’s for President the N-word would be shouted at him everywhere he went. Today no one would dare call Obama the N-word or be caught dead around anyone saying it (in public and “on mic” anyways). However, people call him Muslim without thinking twice.
We have come so far, yet have hardly moved forward at all.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Things that completely disgust me:
1. The manipulation of America’s need for instant gratification. The government and big oil want you all to the think that drilling is going to make a difference in the short term, that it is going to make gas prices fall the minute we start drilling. That is NOT going to happen. Guess what? Drilling will NOT affect gas prices until ten years from the start of drilling, and even so, it will not affect them by much. Drilling will not make a difference in the short term, and it will not make a difference in the long term. People advocate drilling without even stopping to think…what difference is this going to make? What it will do is make big oil companies more money. What it will do is destroy thousands of acres of untouched wilderness, which brings me to my next point…
Alaska National Wildlife Reserve:
"Clean" drilling and oil operations currently in Alaska (and the ANWR if we allow it):
2. Our willingness to destroy and devour the earth for our own selfish desires now, with little regard for the future of our planet. What more is there to say? But I am just an extreme liberal that believes in the myth of global warming, climate change, the greenhouse effect, melting glaciers, and the tooth fairy (sorry if I spoiled your belief in the tooth fairy).
3. The inability of our prestigious presidential candidates to discuss the issues. Last week we spent three days discussing lipstick on a pig. We spent time hearing a distortion that claimed Obama wanted to teach kindergarteners about sex. We have wasted precious time worrying about whether or not we are being sexist by questioning Palin’s qualifications, and not enough time actually examining her qualifications (Charlie Gibson has now vetted Palin more thoroughly than McBush…can you say Bush Doctrine?). We have WASTED time sifting through, and sorting out, the lies the McBush campaign have been spreading about Obama. As a result, Obama has spent the majority of his time responding to these outrageous lies.
4. People who attack Obama’s lack of experience and then attack him as the most liberal senator in the US. Which one is it? If he has no experience, then how can his record possibly show that he is the most liberal senator? If he is the most liberal senator, then he must have experience to have built that record right? Then you will attack me by saying he has no record at all, and no experience…to you I say, better than a record that reflects and supports the complete failure of the Bush policies of the last eight years.
5. Both McCain and Palin are against abortion but for the death penalty. Now I am not advocating either side, but isn’t that a contradiction? We are pro-life…but we’ll give you the electric chair? That makes sense.
6. The wall that has been put up around Palin. The media has been given one interview, and nothing more. If we question her qualifications, they cry sexism. If we say she is not qualified, we are sexists. If we talk about the failed policies of Bush and McCain, we are accused of calling Palin a pig and being…you guessed it…sexist. And the McBush campaign wants us to believe they picked her for her qualifications and not purely political purposes? If she was highly qualified, I think there would be no hesitation in allowing her to speak to the media.
7. McBush said he thinks, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” He said this on the same day that the DOW plummeted, and since then, it has continued to plummet, and only starting to rebound today…who knows about tomorrow. Remember when you told us the economy was not your strongest subject McBush? Thanks for not lying to us on that one.
8. McBush and Palin attempting to run as the change agents.
9. Palin’s ideas on the economy…oh wait…she doesn’t have any…nevermind. Palin's ideas on anything...oh wait...she doesn't have any. At least she knows what the Bush Doctrine is now (you can send a thank you card and chocolates to Charlie Gibson).
10. People who use fear mongering to attack Obama. Referring to him by his middle name only to prey on the fear of the American people. Haven’t the American people endured enough? So his middle name is Hussein…big deal (or do Americans now have something against anyone with a middle-eastern sounding name?). My middle name is George Bush…scared yet? You should be.
Pissed off because I'm paying attention,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I am officially disgusted with Congressional Democrats.
Recently, in case you didn’t hear, congress passed legislation that allows offshore drilling. That’s right, the majority crumbled to the minority. To the crazy people who chant "DRILL BABY DRILL.” The party in power succumbed to the powerless. When they should have showed strength and stood for something they believe in, they buckled at the knees and showed how weak they are.
I'm mad because they tried to sugar coat this legislation with rules surrounding the drilling. One rule states that all drilling has to be beyond 50 miles of the shore. I suppose this won’t harm the ocean and sea life and everything else in the water because after 50 miles, there is nothing to harm…?
Another rule says the each state has to approve their want to drill. This sounds like a great idea. Suppose a drill project, let’s say done by Florida causes pollution and/or damage to the environment around Florida. What happens when that damage and or pollution moves towards Georgia, who doesn’t want offshore drilling? Who fixes that problem?
Congress also included in this bill the repealing of oil companies’ tax breaks, in order to use that money for renewable energy resources. That’s great, but couldn’t this have been the focus of the law without allowing off shore drilling?
I am angry because I truly believe that drilling is not the answer. It is the problem. For years now we (including President Bush) have talked about our addiction to oil. I know Bush doesn’t care about this (since he in fact wants more drilling) but I thought that the Democrats (including Obama, who is even for drilling now) were against drilling as a part of their platform. I thought they truly wanted to break our addiction and FOCUS on more important, renewable energies.
And are we supposed to just forget the fact that the oil companies already have acres and acres of land both offshore and on land that they are free to drill, but don’t. They want MORE because they truly believe they will be able to get enough out of our shores to make a difference.
They won’t.
Drilling will not lower the price of gas. Drilling will not lower the cost of a barrel of oil, and everyone knows that. Not using oil will lower the price of gas and the price of a barrel of oil. What drilling does do is affect the environment. Offshore drilling will also waste money that (if the oil companies are right in their commercials I see) should be spent on solar, wind, and other renewable energies.
If we want to build energy rigs in the ocean why not use the power of the waves. Where is that in this legislation? Where is the opposition against a party that is in the pocket of big oil? Where is the stand that opposes the raping of the earth, the stand that I thought my party stood for?
Remember this day as the day the crazies started winning.
Somehow the leaders I have rooted for have let me down.
Labels: Bush, Disgust, Environment, Gas Prices, Obama, Oil, Personal Responsibility, Sadness
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!...wait....What?!
5 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 2:03 AM
There have been many criticisms of Senator Barack Obama and his plan for America’s future. Perhaps the biggest one of all is by those who love to throw out the word “Socialism.”

I can already hear the critics already “John McCain’s plan saves more money on average.” “Obama raises taxes over $700,000 for people.” “Obama is a clear socialist because he wants to tax the rich to give to the poor!”
Senator Obama believes in helping people achieve a better standard of living. He wants to help women attain equal pay for better work. He wants to help students get an affordable education. He wants people to be able to meet the expense of healthcare. Does this sound like a socialist, or does this sound like someone who wants to lead this country to more prosperous times? Perhaps this sounds like someone who wants to restore tax brackets that were in place during an administration that saw wages rise, home investments soar, and unemployment drop.
“Senator Obama wants to spend more money than John McCain.”
“He wants the government to be more involved.”
Those are both lines of attack that his critics use very often. And to be fair, those statements are true. But this doesn’t make him a socialist, this makes him a realist.
Senator Obama believes in Universal healthcare. He believes government should help pay for the care of its people. He is not forcing people to sign up for this governmental coverage he is simply giving them an option. Can anyone give me a reason why this is a bad thing? The way the healthcare system is in this country just doesn’t seem to be working. Does anyone have a better idea to help get people insured? John McCain offers nothing on this issue.
Senator Obama knows that we are living in very trying times. He knows (he “gets it” one might say) that Americans are struggling to pay for the things that make the American Dream. Is it wrong for a man who aspires to lead this great nation to want to fix that?
Senator Obama’s positions on issues and rise in politics have been compared to the late great Senator turned Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy believed in ridding the world of poverty. He wasn’t called a socialist he was called a hero. He saw a world that should have been and didn’t get a chance to take us there.
This is the time for us to take a look at ourselves in the mirror.“The future does not belong to those who are content with today, apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike. Rather it will belong to those who can blend vision, reason and courage in a personal commitment to the ideals and great enterprises of American society”
Are we content with where we are, or are we ready to commit to a better America?
Labels: Economy, Healthcare, Obama, Politics, Presidential Election, Socialism
Monday, September 15, 2008
However, today “Wall Street Giants” collapsed. Today they were bought and sold like cheap goods at Wal-Mart. Today has been reminiscent of Black Tuesday. I know people won’t believe that. No one is jumping from windows because it isn’t “that bad.”
Is it?
This year alone 463,000 jobs have been lost. Unemployment has hit a 5 year high at 6.1%. Our country has a racked up huge debt with foreign nations. People are relying on credit more and more.
The list of economic woes goes on and on…
This has all happened under a Republican in the white house for eight years.
John McCain has been a senator for 26 years. He has admitted that the economy is not his strong suit. Yet he claims to be the change we need. He claims to have ideas that will work and fix and help. But what are they? Has anyone heard him mention the middle class and the millions of families who are struggling?
Is anyone paying attention to his platform? The one that doesn’t cut taxes for those who need it the most? The plan that lowers taxes for the richest people in America? The one that hopes trickle down will work.
Well, America the truth is that trickle down doesn’t work. Hasn’t anyone noticed? Look at where we are today. How much more trickle down do we really think we need. John McCain thinks we need more. More of what we have had for the past eight years. I’m sorry but this is madness. Look around you senator. It isn’t that hard to see the people and the families that are hurting, losing, wanting.
Wanting a change.
No, not wanting a change, needing a change.
This country needs a change.
Times are bad. In fact, things haven’t been this bad since the Great Depression. The irony is that the Great Depression started during a Republican administration (Hoover). It took the great Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, with plans and ideas and change to get this country back on the right track. I have faith that things won’t get that bad again. I have faith that the American people will wake up and demand a change. And that change will not be Senator John McCain.
Today Joe Biden called John McCain “Bush 44.” He sure seems correct to me.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
“When Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the city billed sexual-assault victims and their insurance companies for the cost of rape kits and forensic examinations (which cost from $300 to $1,200 at the time). Palin had been in office for four years when the practice got the attention of state lawmakers in 2000, who passed a bill to stop it. Former Democratic Rep. Eric Croft, who sponsored that bill, said he was disappointed that asking the Wasilla Police Department to stop charging didn't work.”
Take a moment and read that again. Let it settle in.
Are you outraged? You should be.
I wish that stories like this were actually getting more time in the media. This is incredibly upsetting to think that Sarah Palin, a Vice Presidential candidate for the United States of America would CHARGE victims of rape for their own rape kits. To think that this is the woman McCain chose in order to help secure women voters, especially the disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporters, is insane.
It is times like these I wish Hillary were still out campaigning every day. I wish she would hear about this story and stand up for women (and anyone who has been victimized) everywhere and say “Is this a joke? Is this woman serious? This woman does not stand for nor speak for any woman I know.”
I am angry not only because this is an issue that will get no attention. It angers me that someone, a woman (and no this is not a sexist statement) would be so callous to charge the victim of rape for the inspection of their body afterwards. Yes, I am sure as the article says the victim then charges the insurance company, but to think that Sarah Palin would condone, and allow this practice which ultimately extends the atrocity of rape is unconscionable.
Where is the outrage America? Where are the Hillary voters now? Why aren’t they standing up screaming that this woman stands for nothing they believe in? In fact why aren’t all voters and all Americans standing up and asking questions.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Sarah Palin doesn’t take questions. She doesn’t give answers. Her first interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC sounded so rehearsed, so full of pre planned talking points it was laughable.
Will the real Sarah Palin please stand up? The world is waiting to see what it is you stand for, because from what I can see it isn’t what women, and Americans need, or want.
Labels: Clinton, Disgust, McCain, News Media, Palin, Politics, Presidential Election
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Since September 11th 2001, I’ve learned that freedom isn’t free. It costs $12.3 billion a month in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I’ve learned that we must never forget that day. The easiest way to remember of course is to, as President Bush said, “Shop.” We can never forget if we buy 9/11 t-shirts and bumper stickers and of course the yearly commemorative coin.
I’ve learned that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction.
I’ve learned that Osama Bin Laden is living in a cave in Pakistan and we don’t seem to care.
I've learned that Osama bin Laden is good for business.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that these colors don’t run, unless of course you count the blood of the 4,155 servicemen dead in Iraq, and the 584 dead in Afghanistan.
I’ve learned that these numbers will not stop rising.
I’ve learned that George W. Bush has done such a good job as President that we elected him again.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that 9/11 can be used for political gains during political conventions.
I’ve learned that the Taliban are regaining strength in Afghanistan.
I’ve learned that in Iraq, if we pay the insurgents enough, they will stop attacking us.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that the Iraqis want us to leave.
I’ve learned that President Bush wants to stay.
I’ve learned that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that my government can detain people without any rhyme or reason.
I’ve learned that torture is okay.
I’ve learned that spreading democracy is the American way, and that the best way to spread said democracy is at the end of a rifle.
I’ve learned that spreading democracy apparently, is our mission from God.
I’ve learned that democracy cannot be forced on people whose government must be ruled by religion.
I’ve learned that people still think 9/11 was an inside job.
I’ve learned that Americans don’t care about energy independence.
I’ve learned that America is no longer respected in the world as it once was.
I’ve learned that there is a candidate standing for change and half the country stands against him.
I’ve learned that this country can be controlled by fear.
I’ve learned that Muslims are evil because they wear turbans and have beards.
I’ve learned that all of the hijackers were clean shaven and turbanless.
I’ve learned that Iran and North Korea, like Iraq are evil.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that Republicans know what is right because they haven’t been wrong in seven (make that eight) years.
I’ve learned that we have the best military in the world. There is nothing they cannot do.
I’ve learned that our military cannot force a country to create a stable government.
I’ve learned that the global war on terror will be fought forever.
I’ve learned that we can claim “mission accomplished” without achieving victory.
Since 9/11, I’ve learned that our military is not built by a draft, and because of that, no one cares about the consequences of war.
Since September 11th 2001, I’ve learned that this country has reached a new boiling point. I have learned that we have been waiting for the moment that we can turn the page and attempt to reclaim our place in the world. To return our nation to a place that is looked up to and not down at. I have learned that Americans are tired of failed policies and hawkish administrations.
I have learned that our nation must become stronger, smarter, and better.
Because if we do not, we have learned nothing at all.
Always learning,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
As you can probably imagine, the viewpoints we express at Last of Our Kind do not sit will with everyone (can't please them all I suppose). We are a fairly new blog, and we are proud to present to you our first two articles of "hate mail" or "anger mail" or "fan mail" or whatever you choose to call it.
The first was a response to our post about Palin's nod for VP:
I agree, pal. Bring on the VP debate. Obama has been preaching "change" from day one and he picks a multi-term, east coast, establishment insider for his VP. Change ? ! ?
Yeah right.
You libs went to bed early this morning thinking a slam dunk victory was all set for Nov. You woke up later this morning, saw McCain's bold choice for his VP, sobered up a bit, and thought, "Oh shit. . .We have a fight on our hands ! ! !"
I live in a very liberal city, work with a bunch of libs. A lot of bluster from them this week during the convention. They were very quiet today.
Bring on the debates, pal. The American public may shock you with their decision in November.
The second was a response to the same I think:
U survive off of people who have nothing. No ideas, no productiveness; people who support Obama have nothing. Palin was brought on the ticket to bring forth the real conservatives, the conservatives that founded this country
You all again, bring forth the issue of experience. seriously..........Governor of he the greatest state of the nation trumps a couple years of doing nothing in the Senate. All u libs come up with NON issues or completely just don't understand how a prosperous economy works.
All Palin supporters know what she is running for and all those that don't know still have a hell of a lot of learning to do.
Don't U just luv the arguments presented here? I know I do. I'm pretty sure the "conservatives" that founded our country were the so-called "libs" of their time...breaking away from the rule of another country, refusing to be governed by leaders that showed little concern for their interests, and creating a nation by rebelling against another. Sounds REAL conservative. REALLY conservative. Excuse me a moment while I drink up the irony of that argument, it is too delicious not to savor.
I present these bits of fan mail to you all so that you can see for yourselves that it is not only the McBush campaign that makes absolutely no sense, but it is also their supporters that make no sense.
I am very sorry...but when U must use the letter "U" instead of typing two more letters to form the simple word "you," you have already damaged your credibility beyong repair. I have my doubts that you even have an understanding of what a socialist society really is. And I have a lot of trouble believing that you have any real understanding of how any economy might work (much less a prosperous one). You are right...I do not know how a prosperous economy works because I forgot...I have not experienced one in eight long years, and if your candidate wins, (a candidate that admits he knows very little about economics) I think I may spend four more years not knowing how a prosperous economy works.
It is very simple...McCain just does not get it, and neither do his supporters. They have little to say about issues, and very few actual facts or quotes to back up their claims. Just like McCain's campaign ads. Claiming that your dear Sarah Palin is a reformer and against the Bridge to Nowhere, when she actually supported it to get elected to office. That lobbyists are bad despite the fact that several of their top campaign advisors are former lobbyists themselves.
McCain and his supporters are so confused and baffled, that they have actually managed to step on their own feet and eat crow more often than I ever thought possible. Everyday, more and more claims from the McCain campaign are debunked and fact checked to show they are false. Confusion has officially set in. Like I said in the last post...Deceived into Delerium.
Happy to add salt to your bitter tasting crow,
Monday, September 8, 2008
Over the last week or so, something happened. During and after the Republican National Convention the McCain campaign has deliriously decided that they are the change ticket. McCain is campaigning as an independent, and someone who has battled even his own party (never mind that little bit about voting with President Bush 90% of the time). Sarah Palin is campaigning as someone who has always been against pork barrel spending despite having campaigned for the Bridge to Nowhere in order to get elected as the governor of Alaska. They are claiming they are the mavericks, and the change agents. I just want to know…
Do you think we are that mindless?
McBush as the change agent? Give me a break. I see right through these deceptive tactics. The fact is, McCain has flip flopped and spun his campaign every which way possible in the past few months. First he was touting his support of Bush, now he is touting his taking the fight to his own party. He was slamming Obama for his lack of experience, and then selected a completely inexperienced running mate. He was criticizing Obama for running as a change agent with no plans, and has now decided that his ticket is the ticket of change and failed to present any real policy plans during the convention. He is claiming he represents change, and he picked a hard line conservative that agrees with Bush more than he does.
McBush is succeeding in convoluting this election to the point where the issues simply cannot compete with the idiocy spewing forth. I am baffled by the republicans approach, but I suppose this is where experience comes in. McCain is experienced at running an old politics as usual campaign. This leaves us all concerned with who can sling more mud, and less concerned with who will actually be better for our country.
Obama keeps using the line: McCain just doesn’t get it. The more I hear and see and read about McCain and his campaign, the more I feel that this is very true.
McCain really does not get it.
I hope America will see through these deceptive campaign strategies, and start demanding more from its presidential candidates.
Refusing to be deceived,
Labels: Bush, Disgust, Ignorance, McCain, Obama, Palin, Politics, Presidential Election, Republican Convention, Sadness
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I waited for John McCain to offer up some ideas. Some sort of plan, some vision for the future that his running mate forgot to mention last night. I listened to McCain mention his great party’s leaders: Lincoln (would he be considered Republican today?), Roosevelt (Teddy, not FDR. The man who got us through the great depression and World War II was a Democrat), and Reagan (Always gotta mention The Gipper).
I listened to the crowd, like children, boo the Democrats (last night they chanted “Drill Baby Drill,” don’t get me started on that). I listened to McCain admonish the Republican administration for losing their way. I heard him pledge to get back to basics. I also listened to him somehow forget to mention that he is a part of that same party that he so wants to “change.”
But what I didn’t hear McCain say was “How.” How John McCain are you going to fix this country? What is the change you want to bring? You say you want to stop sending money overseas and you want to create jobs that will stay in this country, but how? You talk about drilling because your party wants it. Your running mate supports drilling in ANWR, but you miss the bigger issue that drilling and oil is not the answer.
You say you know how to secure the peace and protect this country. Does securing the peace include occupying a country when its democratically elected leaders are asking us to leave?
John McCain we all know you are a patriot who loves this country. We all know you suffered great atrocities during your time in the POW Camp. However, Senator you are not offering us anything new or anything different.
Tonight you gave a speech that sounded like the speech of a politician, not of a true leader. Tonight as I sat and listened I did not feel inspired. I felt depressed. Perhaps Obama was right. Perhaps you just don’t get it. This country needs a voice that won’t just stand up and talk to the rest of the world, but will actually listen. We need a leader who listens to Americans and understands our problems and has a plan to fix them.
Tonight Senator, you asked us to stand up and fight.
“Fight for what's right for our country.
Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.
Fight for our children's future.
Fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.
Stand up for each other, for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.
Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight.
Nothing is inevitable here.
We're Americans, and we never give up.”
There is too much at stake.
Labels: McCain, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Presidential Election, Republican Convention, Sadness
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Thank you Sarah Palin.
Thank you for being exactly what you and your party think Senator Obama is.
An inexperienced young person who can read a teleprompter. A talker who gives a speech with no content.
Much like Huckabee, Guiliani, and Romney before you, you made a great cheerleader for John McCain. You threw your GOP delegates a lot of red meat. You bashed and mocked Obama. You made fun of his speech and the columns behind him. You made fun of his comments about people clinging to religion. You made fun of his lack of experience, and you got a standing ovation.
However, I must in fact point out that in your speech you offered nothing. You offered no depth, no vision, and no plan for the future. You support John McCain. We get it. But what are you going to do with your role in the Vice Presidency (that is, after you learn what the job entails)? What are your thoughts on the economy, on healthcare, on the war in Iraq (which your son is about to go fight in). What are your plans for the mortgage crisis, the emptying of social security, and most importantly what are your thoughts on National Security?
You claim that you want to fill Hillary Clinton’s role in this campaign. Well Governor Palin, Senator Clinton you are not. I know where she stands on issues and I know what she believes in, and from what I can tell it is everything you stand against.
Perhaps this was not the time for you to let us know your plan on any of these issues. Perhaps this was a speech for you to simply tell us who you are. You are a Hockey mom. That’s great. But what are you offering my country. Why are you running for office?
Perhaps we have to wait for your debate with Joe Biden so you can actually tell us anything of substance. For your sake I hope you are ready. You said you are ready for a challenge. And a challenge is what you will face.
Good luck,
Labels: Biden, McCain, Obama, Palin, Politics, Presidential Election, Republican Convention
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Palins, Trains, Hurricanes, and Political Campaigns
0 comments From the mind of Last Of Our Kind at 7:29 PM
Day one of the “real” Republican Convention got me thinking about a lot of stuff.
First of all I have to admit that they really know how to spin just about anything. I feel bad for the Republicans such as Rudy Guiliani and Fred Thompson (both former GOP Candidates) get in front of cameras and actually take pride in McCain’s VP Pick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. I find it ridiculous that these “true” Republicans can all tout how great of a choice she is when the truth is that she really was the worst choice McCain could have made.
We don’t have to touch the issue about her pregnant daughter (I agree with Obama that families are off limits.)
We don’t have to talk about her incredible lack of experience. We don’t have to talk about her getting a huge applause because as Thompson said, “She knows how to field dress a moose.” (And that qualifies her for what exactly?)
We don’t have to touch the fact that Sarah Palin said “that our leaders -- that our national leaders -- are sending [soldiers] out on a task that is from God.” We won’t speak about the incredible ignorance and hate statements like that create. We will ignore the resemblance to Jihad and the Crusades that she is closing in on. I don’t have to mention the fact that that kind of dialogue will not help our nation in a time where countries and people hate us for our occupier/invader manners of the past eight years.
I guess all these things are what really qualify her for the Vice Presidency. I guess it is all these things we won’t mention that in fact make her an “Everyman,” an “Average Joe” (an Average Josephine?) Personally, I say give me the man who for the past twenty years after getting work done in the senate (a little more complex than the PTA) still takes the Amtrak train home to his wife and family. That’s an average Joe. That is an average Joe that has the experience to be VP, one heartbeat away from the presidency.
I find it hard to believe the GOP can spin the fact that John McCain wants to “Put the country first” when his “great judgment” allows him to pick someone who he has known for less than a week.
Hurricane Gustav was a horrible event, and luckily it did not do much damage. New Orleans and the Gulf Coast were well prepared and ready. It is unfortunate for the GOP that the convention had to be postponed/overshadowed by the hurricane. I would have like to see them fall of their faces without an excuse to blame the media for unfair coverage.
Senator Lieberman spoke directly to the Independents and Democrats today (because he still has credibility with them?) He asked for them to vote for John McCain because he is better for the country.
Watching the RNC so far I have learned McCain is a war hero (which is great and honorable, but this qualifies him how?). I have learned that the Republican Party hires Christian Singers, because that is its base. I have seen Republicans lie through their teeth in support of a crazy VP pick. I have seen this political campaign spin a hurricane to shore up support.
John McCain is about country first? So far he sure isn’t making a very good case for that.
Talk about a 180 degree change from last week.