Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I've Learned Since 9/11

Since September 11th 2001, I’ve learned that freedom isn’t free. It costs $12.3 billion a month in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I’ve learned that we must never forget that day. The easiest way to remember of course is to, as President Bush said, “Shop.” We can never forget if we buy 9/11 t-shirts and bumper stickers and of course the yearly commemorative coin.

I’ve learned that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction.

I’ve learned that Osama Bin Laden is living in a cave in Pakistan and we don’t seem to care.

I've learned that Osama bin Laden is good for business.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that these colors don’t run, unless of course you count the blood of the 4,155 servicemen dead in Iraq, and the 584 dead in Afghanistan.

I’ve learned that these numbers will not stop rising.

I’ve learned that George W. Bush has done such a good job as President that we elected him again.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that 9/11 can be used for political gains during political conventions.

I’ve learned that the Taliban are regaining strength in Afghanistan.

I’ve learned that in Iraq, if we pay the insurgents enough, they will stop attacking us.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that the Iraqis want us to leave.

I’ve learned that President Bush wants to stay.

I’ve learned that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that my government can detain people without any rhyme or reason.

I’ve learned that torture is okay.

I’ve learned that spreading democracy is the American way, and that the best way to spread said democracy is at the end of a rifle.

I’ve learned that spreading democracy apparently, is our mission from God.

I’ve learned that democracy cannot be forced on people whose government must be ruled by religion.

I’ve learned that people still think 9/11 was an inside job.

I’ve learned that Americans don’t care about energy independence.

I’ve learned that America is no longer respected in the world as it once was.

I’ve learned that there is a candidate standing for change and half the country stands against him.

I’ve learned that this country can be controlled by fear.

I’ve learned that Muslims are evil because they wear turbans and have beards.

I’ve learned that all of the hijackers were clean shaven and turbanless.

I’ve learned that Iran and North Korea, like Iraq are evil.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that Republicans know what is right because they haven’t been wrong in seven (make that eight) years.

I’ve learned that we have the best military in the world. There is nothing they cannot do.

I’ve learned that our military cannot force a country to create a stable government.

I’ve learned that the global war on terror will be fought forever.

I’ve learned that we can claim “mission accomplished” without achieving victory.

Since 9/11, I’ve learned that our military is not built by a draft, and because of that, no one cares about the consequences of war.

Since September 11th 2001, I’ve learned that this country has reached a new boiling point. I have learned that we have been waiting for the moment that we can turn the page and attempt to reclaim our place in the world. To return our nation to a place that is looked up to and not down at. I have learned that Americans are tired of failed policies and hawkish administrations.

I have learned that our nation must become stronger, smarter, and better.

Because if we do not, we have learned nothing at all.

Always learning,



Last Of Our Kind said...

I in no way blame America for anything. I have simply stated facts and things I have learned since 9/11.

I have stated these observations as things I have learned by watching my country act and grow around me, that said I challenge you say which things I have learned are false or wrong.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with a lot of the points you made since 9/11/01, although I do feel it was a little harsh on such a somber day when we are supposed to be remembering/honoring the lives of innocent people.

You failed to mention that this is a day where divided Americans (no matter their political beliefs) stand united.

Unknown said...

I hope another thing you've learned since 9/11/2001 is that our goverment and President Bush have kept our country safe from further acts of terrorism. Seven years of protecting your freedoms, your families, and your freinds. When you think of the magnitude of that job alone.....if he's done nothing more than keep our country safe President Bush has been outstanding. I believe that as history proves with most presidents given time, in 15-20 years you'll look back and be thankful that our President didn't listen to all you whine asses and stayed the course and kept us safe.

Last Of Our Kind said...


you are right. We haven't had another attack on our shores since 9/11. But the problem is President Bush has done more than simply "keep us safe."

We went on offense, letting thousands of our soldiers die and creating another generation in the Middle East that does not like America.

I am not saying after 9/11 we should have done nothing, but what President Bush has done since then, ie. two wars, allow torture, spy on Americans, break the constitution, is so much more that I fear historians will look back and say how on Earth did Americans allow him to become so hungry with power and get away with so much?