Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Deceived Into Delirium

Over the last week or so, something happened. During and after the Republican National Convention the McCain campaign has deliriously decided that they are the change ticket. McCain is campaigning as an independent, and someone who has battled even his own party (never mind that little bit about voting with President Bush 90% of the time). Sarah Palin is campaigning as someone who has always been against pork barrel spending despite having campaigned for the Bridge to Nowhere in order to get elected as the governor of Alaska. They are claiming they are the mavericks, and the change agents. I just want to know…

Do you think we are that mindless?

McBush as the change agent? Give me a break. I see right through these deceptive tactics. The fact is, McCain has flip flopped and spun his campaign every which way possible in the past few months. First he was touting his support of Bush, now he is touting his taking the fight to his own party. He was slamming Obama for his lack of experience, and then selected a completely inexperienced running mate. He was criticizing Obama for running as a change agent with no plans, and has now decided that his ticket is the ticket of change and failed to present any real policy plans during the convention. He is claiming he represents change, and he picked a hard line conservative that agrees with Bush more than he does.

McBush is succeeding in convoluting this election to the point where the issues simply cannot compete with the idiocy spewing forth. I am baffled by the republicans approach, but I suppose this is where experience comes in. McCain is experienced at running an old politics as usual campaign. This leaves us all concerned with who can sling more mud, and less concerned with who will actually be better for our country.

Obama keeps using the line: McCain just doesn’t get it. The more I hear and see and read about McCain and his campaign, the more I feel that this is very true.

McCain really does not get it.

I hope America will see through these deceptive campaign strategies, and start demanding more from its presidential candidates.

Refusing to be deceived,