Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our country first...

I want to know if McBush actually believes the spin that emanates from his campaign on an hourly basis. In the last week we have seen McBush:

· “Put country first” with a faux suspension of his campaign
· Continue to run campaign ads despite his suspended campaign
· Refuse to debate until a deal had been reached on the bailout plan
· Debate when there was no deal on the bailout plan
· Inject presidential politics in a national crisis
· Put his political campaign above the American people
· Claim that his leadership convinced Republicans to vote for the bailout
· Fail to convince even his own Arizona republican colleagues to vote for the bailout
· Blame the democrats and Obama for the failure of the bailout
· Accuse Obama of “phoning it in” on the financial crisis
· Phone it in on the financial crisis
· Assert that this is not the time for blame
· Then blame Obama for the failure of the bailout
· Attempt to make us believe that he would ride into Washington and save the day
· Ride into Washington and watched the bailout fall apart
· Claim the fundamentals of our economy our strong
· Claim that this is the most significant financial crisis of our lives

Do I really need to go on? I could fill this post with pages and pages and pages and…well you get the idea. So my question is: Does McBush actually believe the assertions he is spewing forth? Or is he just hoping that all of us are stupid enough to fall for this ridiculous political spin factor?

In a previous post, I mentioned that it is my belief that McBush’s campaign is attempting to make us all just a little more unintelligent with their tactics. That if they shift positions and present enough contradictions we will all forget what they were talking about in the first place. If they talk politics enough, and attack Obama enough, we will forget that McCain rarely speaks about the issues. That if they lie enough, and with enough fervor, we will all forget what the truth actually looks and sounds like.

McBush’s tactics look incredibly un-presidential. In a time of crisis, the American people not only need, but also deserve a leader that does not panic and add to the chaos. The president cannot act erratic and unpredictable in times of crisis. I do not believe that the recent tactics of the McCain campaign have anything at all to do with our country and the American people. I do not believe any of the spin and lies spewing forth from the McCain campaign. How many times in the next week will McCain change his views? How many contradictions will come from his campaign before this election is over?

I just want to know…Does McCain really believe all of the lies, contradictions, and distortions coming from his campaign lately? If he does believe it, then he is even more out of touch than I ever thought possible. If he does not believe his own lies, then how can he continue to claim that he is here to “put country first?” I’ve said it before, and I will say it again…Congratulations McBush, you have officially made me stupider.

During all of this, what was Obama doing? He was working behind the scenes, trying to prevent presidential politics from poisoning the financial crisis. He was steady and sure of himself. He did not make any rash decisions. He did not exhibit erratic behavior. He did not fall into the political trap McCain set for him by suspending his campaign. Now McCain has to eat crow. Now who looks inexperienced? Now who looks unprepared for the job?

Wake up Senator McCain…your actions actually do have consequences and no amount of spin is going to change that.

I will leave you with some random thoughts:

  • Has McBush un-suspended his campaign?

  • Will he re-suspend his campaign now that the bailout has failed?

  • Or is it still suspended? I can’t tell the difference

  • When did McCain decide that he is a political martyr?

  • His antics make me feel like I am watching a Mel Gibson flick

  • SNL’s parody of Palin’s Couric interview lifted, verbatim, so much from the actual interview that it’s scary

  • Biden has debate experience dating to 1972…Palin was in 2nd grade

  • Thursday night’s debate should be deliciously entertaining

How many lies does it take to get to the center of...?