Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Remember This Day

I am officially disgusted with Congressional Democrats.

Recently, in case you didn’t hear, congress passed legislation that allows offshore drilling. That’s right, the majority crumbled to the minority. To the crazy people who chant "DRILL BABY DRILL.” The party in power succumbed to the powerless. When they should have showed strength and stood for something they believe in, they buckled at the knees and showed how weak they are.

I'm mad because they tried to sugar coat this legislation with rules surrounding the drilling. One rule states that all drilling has to be beyond 50 miles of the shore. I suppose this won’t harm the ocean and sea life and everything else in the water because after 50 miles, there is nothing to harm…?

Another rule says the each state has to approve their want to drill. This sounds like a great idea. Suppose a drill project, let’s say done by Florida causes pollution and/or damage to the environment around Florida. What happens when that damage and or pollution moves towards Georgia, who doesn’t want offshore drilling? Who fixes that problem?

Congress also included in this bill the repealing of oil companies’ tax breaks, in order to use that money for renewable energy resources. That’s great, but couldn’t this have been the focus of the law without allowing off shore drilling?

I am angry because I truly believe that drilling is not the answer. It is the problem. For years now we (including President Bush) have talked about our addiction to oil. I know Bush doesn’t care about this (since he in fact wants more drilling) but I thought that the Democrats (including Obama, who is even for drilling now) were against drilling as a part of their platform. I thought they truly wanted to break our addiction and FOCUS on more important, renewable energies.

And are we supposed to just forget the fact that the oil companies already have acres and acres of land both offshore and on land that they are free to drill, but don’t. They want MORE because they truly believe they will be able to get enough out of our shores to make a difference.

They won’t.

Drilling will not lower the price of gas. Drilling will not lower the cost of a barrel of oil, and everyone knows that. Not using oil will lower the price of gas and the price of a barrel of oil. What drilling does do is affect the environment. Offshore drilling will also waste money that (if the oil companies are right in their commercials I see) should be spent on solar, wind, and other renewable energies.

If we want to build energy rigs in the ocean why not use the power of the waves. Where is that in this legislation? Where is the opposition against a party that is in the pocket of big oil? Where is the stand that opposes the raping of the earth, the stand that I thought my party stood for?

Remember this day as the day the crazies started winning.

Somehow the leaders I have rooted for have let me down.

Somehow I'm not surprised...


Conservative Beat Down said...

So What are we supposed to do while we wait for the alternative forms of energy to be developed? We can have oil from offshore drilling within two years. we can have oil from the shale in Colorado and Wyoming in two to three years and oil from ANWR in 5 years. Meanwhile most estimates say that the alternative energy we developing won't be ready for 10 years. So what do we do in the mean time??

Last Of Our Kind said...

Maybe if we stopped worrying about drilling, we would actually begin to develop alternative energy. Of course it is going to take 10 yrs or more for alternative energy to be ready...because it is no one's priority right now. This is America's need for instant gratification being manipulated. Drilling is not going to solve any problems in the short term, and is not going to solve any problems in the long term. Drilling won't change anything for at least 10 years, and even then, it will make little difference at all. The only thing drilling is going to do is continue our addiction to oil, and destroy untouched wilderness. The places proposed for drilling are some of the most beautiful places on this earth, and drilling is going to destroy them. The day that happens is a sad, sad day.

But after warming is just a myth, climate change is just a myth, the greenhouse effect is just a myth, our glaciers melting away is just a myth, species disappearing from habitat being destroyed is just a myth, it's just a myth, it's just a myth, it's just a myth, it's just a's just a's just...

Conservative Beat Down said...

Well you're wrong about drilling taking 10 years. Alternative energy sources shoudl be a priority but the fact is that we have the ability to end our dependence on FOREIGN oil now. We can have oil from the shale in Wyoming and Colorado within 3-4 years and the oil off the coast of California within two. We have enough oil in those places and ANWR to last us at least 30 years while we develop alternative energy sources. That will save the 500 billion dollar per year transfer of wealth over to the middle east. Money that will help our economy and can be used to develop the alternative energy that we need.

Hussein is even against nuclear energy. The preferred source of energy of his beloved France.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree with you more. Drilling will do nothing. These oil companies are multi-national...meaning that even if we drill, we dont necessarily even get the oil. It will get traded on the market as it currently does and will get gobbled up by emerging markets like China and India.

The dems caved again on a major issue. Makes me sad.