Barack Obama’s primetime television spot tonight was something different. It was not a message from a man assuming that he will win the presidency. It was not a message from an elitist, or an anti-American. It was not a message from a man not prepared for the presidency. It was not cocky or arrogant or presumptive (although I am sure McCain and Co. will say different…they have to).
What Obama’s television spot was, was a touching and emotional view of the country, its people, this election, what is at stake, what will change, and the (extra) ordinary man who intends to lead our country through rough times and bring about hope and change. We heard stories from people/families across this country struggling to make ends meet, struggling in this difficult economy. We heard about people who are retired having to take extra jobs just to pay for medication, take extra jobs because of cutbacks at work, and taking out loans on their houses to pay bills. And Obama told us all how he plans to fix those things.

Obama presented his policies and philosophies for America to hear and understand. So that they can know he is not a socialist or a communist or an elitist or anti-American. Never mind the production values and moving music of the half-hour spot…Obama showed America that he connects with the issues and problems facing us all. He connects with us. He misses his family when they are apart just like us. He connects with the average American (the average American that doesn’t spend $150,000 over a couple months for clothing). He intends to work for the people, serve the people, listen to the people, and change America for the better of the people. And after hearing what he had to say, I believe in what he stands for.
It feels as though this time, America is listening. America is ready for transformation. Ready for change. Ready for a leader that will do and achieve the things this country has so desperately needed for the last eight years.
I think Obama can win on Tuesday. Will he win? That is up to us all. Go out and vote. I did. Make sure your friends and family vote. Mine have/will.

Tonight President Bill Clinton gave an enthusiastic and powerful speech at Obama’s rally in Florida. Clinton left no doubt in my mind that he wholeheartedly supports Barack Obama. He also left no doubt in my mind that Obama is the right President for RIGHT NOW.
McCain’s secret weapon? This guy:

Joe the faux-plumber/pundit/hopeful politician/political analyst/author/country music star/expert on Israel/new McCain campaign surrogate, and Sarah Palin, the vice-presidential candidate that is already looking to her 2012 bid for president.
I think I just saw the kitchen sink fly out the window…
…and it was old and rusty.
He is the man ... If you are lucky to have the voting right, be part of the history and vote for the right man! Obama is able and has passion in serving USA and American people! I would wish if possible to have these voting rights for November 4th alone but it is not possible being a foreigner ... anyway, make USA proud of you and restore the dignity of your country! I stand by your side!
I liked the video but I'm voting for Barack Obama so I guess we won't really know if it worked until November 4th.
Of course it worked. Everyone who thinks he is the messiah got that notion reinforced with the commercial and everyone who thinks that he the the absolute worst candidate at the worst time had that notion reinforced.
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