Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brave? Sir, You Are Not

The stock market is plummeting and the end to this crisis seems to be no where in sight. Americans are paying over $800 billion for a “bailout” for ourselves. Unemployment is at new highs. American homes are still being foreclosed upon. And Barack Obama’s middle name is Hussein.

Yes, Hussein, a Middle-Eastern, terrorist, foreign, weirdo sounding name. Somehow, with the world collapsing around us, John McCain seems to only care about Barrack Obama’s middle name. Why is anyone still listening to McCain and his cronies smear Senator Obama? Why is this election so close?

It upsets me that somehow all of this McCain hatred gets so much coverage without people actually saying he is wrong for doing it. Yes, the media says it is dirty politics, but usually writes it off as “part of the game.” No one really takes the high road and says “John McCain what you are doing and allowing is wrong and shameful.” There are very few reporters who (perhaps out of fear of sounding bias) will call these acts detestable.

But let’s get one thing clear. It is not bias to point out that one candidate is playing the race card. It is not wrong to point out that one candidate is using fear to try to get himself elected. It is not wrong to tell a candidate that condoning and even inciting comments such as “Terrorist!” and “Off with his head!” is despicable. It is not bias to say these things about John McCain, because every one of them is true. John McCain is running his campaign on these principles, while the country struggles around him.

I have news for you Senator McCain, I am not afraid of sounding biased. I am not afraid to point out to everyone that is reading this that you do not care about this country. You do not care about finding solutions to our problems. You care about one thing Senator, getting elected. Now to be fair, you are of course running for President of the United States of America. You shouldn’t care about anything else. But when you are willing to do and say anything to get elected it is wrong. When you are tying your opponent to terrorists it is wrong.

Senator McCain we the American people are smarter than you are giving us credit for. We are able to look past your rude comments, unfunny jokes, and your cheap shots. We are ready for a new style of politics Senator, a style that you do not understand. The point is that when we look at you, we see a man pulling out all the stops to try to win this election. We see this and we laugh at you. We laugh because you are a joke. That is what your campaign has come down to. It is sad that you were once so respected by Independents and even Democrats (remember how we wanted you as VP in 2004?) yet you have thrown away all of your respectability with your latest actions. It is sad that you have fallen so far, but you have no one to blame but yourself.

Senator McCain, you once wrote a book called Why Courage Matters: The Way to a Braver Life. Senator, please read the book again. Perhaps then you can do the right thing and end these shameful attacks because brave? Sir, you are not.

25 more days to go,
Post Script
Check out Senator Obama's and Biden's record on voting for the vets compared to McCain's in our "Truth is out there" Section.

And read an open letter to Cindy McCain responding to her "Cold Chill" speech here:;jsessionid=2842F14799EC87BB65BA1701158B89EC?diaryId=2012


Annette said...

No he is not. He said last week he was going to face down Barack at the debate and he didn't. He now says he is going to this next week at the debate. I will believe it when I see it.
He was not brave when he was on the Forestall and it caught fire. Instead of helping to put the fire out and getting men below like the others he saved himself then managed to get a ride on a helo to Taiwan until he was reassigned to the Orisskany.
He was not brave when he was a POW and not long into his captivity he started telling them whatever they wanted so he could get treatment. They then even offered to release him, but he knew this would tell everyone what he had done so he refused that. But he stayed with them and became a radio personality of sorts, broadcasting over the airwaves to the soldiers fighting.
He certainly wasn't brave when he came home and couldn't stand the looks of his wife after she was seriously injured in an accident and he cheated on her with woman after woman until he met Cindy. Younger, more beautiful, much wealthier, so he lied to her, filed for divorce and then got married to her.
No, brave he is not.

Razor said...

I love the calling out of the media. You can't really compare Obama's mudslinging to McCain's as it's like comparing safety scissors to a machete.

Obama campaign: "McCain is out of touch and his erratic behavior shows that he is not a steady hand in a crisis."

McCain campaign: "Barack HUSSEIN Obama works with terrorists, how can you trust him?" (Cue rabid mob crowd shouting various horrible things).

Good blog, glad I stumbled upon it.

Last Of Our Kind said...


Glad to hear your input. Feel free to follow our blog so it won't be left to a "stumbling" chance that you find us again.

Take pride in the fact that Obama is the braver candidate. He is so brave in fact that I fear for him, but more about that in a later post. Feel free to follow the blog as well in order to stay in touch.

DRock said...

I hope McCain keeps sticking to this character campaign because it will not work this election. Barack Obama is going to win barring any "October Surprise." It's a competition though and if Barack Obama was down in the polls, he would be talking about McCain's associates and attacking him about everything. Obama has written misleading ads about McCain's record and McCain does too. They both do it because they both want to be President. Politics is a dirty game but the prize can change U.S. History. Both of these men love this country and they disagree on how to go forward in the future. That is what we should be discussing not who's a racist or terrorist. The people in McCain's audience that are angry, yes they're probably racist but McCain himself, I don't think so. Obama has wacko's too though. There is extreme people on each side and each party.

I don't believe McCain is an evil person. Republicans are just willing to bend ethics more to win. Elections back in the early years of the United States. Opponents would call each others wifes whores and stuff. They were much nastier.

Obama/Biden 08!

Anonymous said...

Wake up all you Obama cult followers. This "last of our kind" commentary is way off base. First of all the economy is important but just as important is a person's character and judgement especially if they are running for president. I laugh when everyone accuses Mc Cain of smearing Obama when his campaign didnt have a problem going after Palin trying hard to find something wrong with her so they can continue smearing her. I believe the questionable connections Obama has with all these radical people such as Ayers,Wright, Farrakan etc. and organizations such as ACORN says volumes about the deep rooted thinking of Obama and his judgement about who he will chose as his cabinet to advise him. Example: Raines his Obama's economic advisor???? He was the
CEO of Fanny Mae and we all know what happened to Fanny Mae. The reason all this is coming out now is that finally one media, the new york times, besides fox news, brought this out and now we are finding about corrupt voting registration of ACORN--a far left liberal organization. All of this ties in with Obama. Even Hillary Clinton tried to get the American people aware of Obamas connections and nobody listened. Now people are finally talking about it as it should be talked about along with all the other issues. With our economic problems, Obama's economic policy is what is out of touch. It is a known fact that more govt control during the depression and more taxes on businesses is what caused the depression to last so long. It is economics 101 that you DO NOT increase taxes on businesses during bad economic times. If you do, they will just lay off workers and hike up the costs on products and guess who suffers??? You do Mr. & MRS MIDDLE CLASS.
As far as sara palin....just a few days ago at my job I ended up speaking to a business owner who happened to run against sara palin and lost. He said not only is she a wonderful person, but she does what she says and she will get the job done. He said she would make a wonderful vice president. This is backed up by 83% approval rating in alaska. I ask anyone supporting Obama. Name me one thing this man has done being a junior senator? Name me one bill that has his name on it?"??? Check his voting record out and you will see how many times this man did not vote. He didnt even vote for regulation on fanny mae and freddy mac. Mc Cain did vote for it. So when considering a candidate for president you have to look at everything. His experience, his voting record, his character and his policies. And this is why I, as a registered Democrat, am voting for John Mc Cain

DRock said...

First of all Anonymous, your overall lack of knowledge is typical of an uninformed voter who follows candidate talking points. There were many people who were involved to cause the economic crisis.

Learn to read and research. Both parties attempt to point blame on each other for the crisis, is laughable because both of their hands are dirty. It's election season and it's good strategy to look at one end of the picture and fixate on one party.

If you would actually look at the percentage of tax cuts of the "Bush Tax Cuts" you would see that the highest percentage of tax cuts is given to the Rich. Here comes into play the "Trickle Down Economics" plan. Problem with this is that giving the biggest tax cut to the rich causes the distribution of wealth to get all screwed up. Essentially the Rich get richer and the Middle Class and Poor get poorer. Giving the biggest tax cut to the rich causes less money to come into the Government to spend, exactly why Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush have ran up huge amounts of deficit. Republican's always say that Democrats are tax and spend and big government. Why is it that in the entire United States history that these three Presidents have spent more and expanded government more than any other in history? Oh and John McCain believes the same philosophy. They're more Liberal than Conservative. Bill Clinton taxed the rich and wow guess what happened? We had a surplus.

The Great Depression happened because Herbert Hoover just like House Republicans thought the market would work itself out. Also when the Banks started to go bankrupt, people lost all of their money with it because there were no consumer protections like the FDIC back then. It's called the "boom effect." The banks were making so much money back then from lack of regulations, that they gambled and overextended themselves which then led to a crash.

Barack Obama's lack of tenure is what I like about him the most. Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK had a lack of experience. How did that work out for us? He is not overly involved and fights against the lobbyist agenda.

If you want to play the guilt by association game. Palin and McCain have had plenty of nutjobs that they have talked to and associated with, but I'd rather not talk about it because it's ridiculous to think that because they talk to them, that they instantly believe in their beliefs.

You want to talk about voting records? Take a look at McCain's because most of what he proposes he has voted against. He is for wind and solar power? Really? Why did he vote against it 26 times? He is for the troops? Why did he vote against the G.I. bill that would provide free college educations for those who served for 3 years? He doesn't support privatized social security? Why did he vote three times with George Bush to do so? Why did he vote against relief and aid to hurricane Katrina victims? Why did he vote against children getting adequate health care?
Would you like me to continue?
He has been in the U.S. Senate for 26 years and he calls himself a Maverick? All of the bipartisan proposal's he worked on were cutesey projects that meant nothing to the American people. He is against his own bipartisan immigration reform he just proposed in 2007 lol. There is other Senators and Congressman that should call themselves Maverick's because they fit the name much better than he does. On the big issues that directly effect us, he votes Republican all the time. Sarah Palin is George W. Bush with lipstick. Another Jesus Freak moron, that knows nothing. Good Luck on November 4th because your going to lose.

If you would like to get schooled again on politics please come back anytime. Learn facts before you open your Republican talking points mouth. I bet you believe Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist to. lol