I recently witnessed the epitome of leadership, the epitome of reason, and the epitome of success. At last night’s debate Senator Barack Obama appeared cool, calm, and collected. He did not take any of the bait that John McCain gave him. He did not act like a young inexperienced debater. He looked like… well; he looked like the incumbent making the challenger look silly.

We could sit here and go through each segment point by point. We could mention (again) the eye rolling and the obvious distain McCain has for Obama. We could sit here and talk about what everyone knows; Senator Barack Obama won three straight Presidential Debates, and a majority of undecided and Independents agree. Or we can move on and talk about the bigger picture.
However, it was obvious from the start that John McCain was out to get Obama. He came out swinging and I’m sure there were people who thought that he was doing well. However, then John McCain started to get old (no pun intended). He started to sound like the same man we have seen at all of these debates and all of these speeches.
Now before any McCain supporter jumps on me by saying that Obama says the same things over and over again, let me assure you, I know that. I know that Barack Obama has the same stump speech points that he rolls out whenever he can.
However, here is the difference. Obama’s points are ways to bring change to this country. They are not ways to keep Americans down. They are not policies of the past, but hope for the future. Barack Obama’s policies are ways to help the middle-class (whom John McCain still has not mentioned in any of the debates) live better, fuller lives. It is through these policies that Barack Obama represents so much more than John McCain. I am not surprised by the margins Obama is winning now. He is no longer a candidate, he is (and has been for some time) a movement. He is a movement towards something that John McCain can not even see because he has been in Washington for such a long time.
John McCain is frustrated. I understand that. He is losing. He is now going to say and do anything he can to win. He has no other option. So, my friends do not be surprised when McCain ups the dirty politicking. It is all he has left. There are 18 days until Election Day. Trust me we have not seen the worst of the Republican smear machine. They are like a wounded animal backed into a corner. They are afraid, and they will attack.
All we can do is act like the leader we want. We have to rise above the shameless commercials and speeches Senator McCain is approving. We have to remain cool, calm, and collected. We have to remain the epitome of leadership, of reason, and the epitome of success.
To his credit, John McCain got it right when he said:
“Americans are hurting right now, and they're angry. They're hurting, and they're angry. They're innocent victims of greed and excess on Wall Street and as well as Washington, D.C. And they're angry, and they have every reason to be angry. And they want this country to go in a new direction.”
But does John McCain really believe that he is direction we want to go in?
Right now there seems to be only one way to answer that…
See you on the 4th of November,
This isn't directly related but I just saw Congresswoman Michele Bachman speak on msnbc about our nation divided. This is one of the most divisive of politicians I have seen so feel free to write her an email to remind her what democracy is about!. To save time u need an address such as: l910 Dongal Drive, 55125-5806 Woodbury MN.
It is funny how this election year is bringing out people's true colors; but it is also showing people the bigotry that we have allow to run awry for far too long.
One thing that is painfully obvious and continuous throughout every presidential election is that someone preaches CHANGE. Look at the people who surround them - both major party candidates are advised by members of CFR. Their globalization agendas are fundamentally similar, despite their cries of difference. Why are 3rd party candidates banned from the final presidential debates? If 'the people's opinion' mattered there would not be a $850 billion bailout. There was an overwhelming voice against it, yet it still passed, but only when there was an additional $150 billion of pork barrel earmarks. Our government does not represent the people anymore - it represents the corporations. We MUST take the power back! As Chuck D. so eloquently put it:
"Power to the people
Get on up, get into it, get involved"
Call for REAL change - eliminate the 2 party system of "different but same"
why do you think the past few elections have been so extremely close? There's no real difference between candidates! All of our government is bought and paid for by the PACs and Corporations!
Her comments greatly upset me and it is somethign we must speak out about now!
the bigotry we had allowed to run has mainly been silent, we must be heard on November 4th. We must never be silent again.
Power to the people is right. I feel That Obama is about the people, and bringing true change to all of us. He is not the politics of the past, but the new way of the furute.
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