Question of the Week:

What does the Obama victory mean to you?

Let us know here and we may share your thoughts later.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Silence Gives Consent!

When I first watched Schindler’s List I remember having a discussion about why the Holocaust happened, or rather, why it was allowed to happen. We spoke about silence. While the Holocaust was happening the whole world was watching. They were watching in silence, and their silence gave consent. No one stood up and said “This is wrong. This must be stopped.” Once we did it was too late and millions of people had already been murdered. It is for this reason, the inability to act, that the whole world is ashamed of themselves for this moment in history.

Now, I always thought that there was a certain line in politics that was never crossed. There was the old ad from the 60’s with the nuclear bomb and the little girl, which went too far. People are (rightly so) scolded for using Osama bin Laden and references to 9/11 in ads. Now maybe I’m too naïve, but I always thought that Hitler and the Holocaust were also off limits.

Then I read this:

“A new e-mail making the rounds among Jewish voters in Pennsylvania this week...equated a vote for Senator Barack Obama with the “tragic mistake” of their Jewish ancestors, who ‘ignored the warning signs in the 1930’s and 1940’s.’”
Excuse me? Did I miss something? Has campaign politics just hit a new low?

The worst part is that the article states that this e-mail was not from the average Racist Ronny or Betty the Bigot. No, these e-mails are sponsored by the Pennsylvania Republican Party’s “Victory 2008” committee and it was signed by several prominent McCain supporters in the state.

Now, forgive me for sounding so, what’s the word… idealistic, but I thought we as human beings knew that the Holocaust, being one of the most awful events in our history was off limits in politics, and to suggest that voting for Barack Obama may lead to another one is absolutely repulsive.

Here we have elderly Jewish voters in Pennsylvania, many who may have lived through the Holocaust or certainly may have been affected by it. I’m sure these voters are already flooded with e-mails and phone calls saying Barack Obama is a terrorist and a Muslim. Now, they have to deal with ones comparing him to a past that was so painful it still may very well haunt them to this day.

And the Republicans think this is okay? It is okay to ask these voters to relive the horrors of the Holocaust? Because that is exactly what this e-mail does. Do not make the same “tragic mistake” it says. And with those words the tragedy is instantly brought back to them. Perhaps I am overstating what I know. In fact, I know nothing, I am not in any of their minds, but I can only imagine how painful and horrifying it would be to receive any e-mail that may even have the possibility of bringing up such dreadful memories.

I did not know the Republicans could hit a new low.

I knew they would call Obama a Muslim. I knew he would be compared to terrorists, but Hitler? This is a disgusting new mark even for the Republican smear machine. If I were a Republican I would be ashamed. In fact, I am ashamed. I am ashamed because I am an American and this is happening in America. I am revolted at these tactics because as an American I believe we have become better than the Nazis and their intense hatred for others. However, in fact we have not. I guess during a campaign everything is fair game. Nothing is off the table, feelings be damned. History be damned.

Well this time, Republicans be damned. This time your tactics will not work. And you should be condemned for them. This is something that we can not sit back and allow. We must tell everyone what they are doing. This can not merely be let go to the wayside. This time they have gone too far. This time they are not simply comparing Obama to a radical man of the 60’s but the most evil man who ever lived. Tell everyone you know about this travesty. We must spread the word. Let your outrage be heard. If we do not then our silence gives consent.

Let us know how you feel America. Let it out. Be heard here. Be heard now.

Our silence must not give consent. Not this time. Not anymore. Not ever again.

Silence is not golden. Silence is fatal,

For the complete article which this is based on click here


Two said...

Let's hope that some kids were inspired by the Great Schlep and have talked to their grandparents in PA and not just FL.

Anonymous said...

What about the millions of babies being killed? Are we not guilty of the same silence? There has never been a more liberal candidate than Obama on the issue of abortion.

Last Of Our Kind said...

I hope you are right! I am relieved to see that PA polls (if we can trust them) are very much for Obama.

The silence of illegal back alley abortions would be another American tragedy. I believe as most liberals do, not in "murdering babaies," but allowing for safe, legal, and rare, abortions.